ROS COMMAND LINE EXERCISES NAMES: Use the ROS command line to accomplish each of the tasks described below. For each question provide the answer along with the sequence of terminal commands that you used to solve the problem. 1. Start the Turtlebot Gazebo simulator by following the instructions from the last lab. What is the horizontal field of view (in degrees) of the simulated laser scanner published on the /scan topic? 2. At what rate are images published to the /camera/rgb/image_raw topic? 3. Use an appropriate invocation of rostopic to tell the simulated Turtlebot to rotate in place (forever) at a rate of .5 radians/second. You will need to publish to: /cmd_vel_mux/input/navi. 4. Exit the Gazebo simulator. Obtain and start a real Turtlebot by following the instructions from the previous lab. Confirm that your command for spinning in place works on the real robot. 5. Use ROS terminal commands to light both LED1 and LED2 on the Turtlebot.