Any arithmetic expression can be represented as a tree structure where the internal nodes are operators and the leaf nodes are numbers. For example, the expression \(((7.0 \times 2.0) - (8.0 \div 2.0))\) can be represented with the following tree:
In this lab you will complete the implementation of a binary tree that represents mathematical expressions in this way. This implementation will provide functionality for evaluating expressions and formatting them in prefix, postfix or infix notation.
Before you start coding, carefully read each of the following files to make sure you understand their roles.
Our textbook provides the following psuedocode for in-order traversal:
PrintInorder(node) {
if (node is null)
Print node
In this code, the traversal is been implemented as a method in
some separate class that is passed a reference to a root node. As an
alternative, it is possible to implement a tree as a recursive data
structure without a separate class to handle the traversals. In this
approach the node is the tree, and all of the functionality is
implemented through methods of the node class. Our ExpressionNode
class will be organized in this way. Under this approach, a preorder
traversal might look like the following:
class Leaf extends Node {
public void inorder() {
class InternalNode extends Node {
public void inorder() {
left().inorder(); // Process all nodes in left
visit(); // Process root node
right().inorder(); // Process all nodes in right
It may seem odd to see a recursive method with no (apparent)
arguments. In this case the argument is implicit. Since the recursive
calls are executed on different objects, it is the object
that changes from one call to the next.
Note that the methods above will only work for full binary trees: it assumes that every node is either a leaf, or contains two valid children. Our expression trees will necessarily be full because every operation must have exactly two operands.
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