ADTs So Far…

From Our Book…

“A graph \(G=(\mathbf{V},\mathbf{E})\) consists of a set of vertices \(\mathbf{V}\) and a set of edges \(\mathbf{E}\), such that each edge in \(\mathbf{E}\) is a connection between a pair of vertices in \(\mathbf{V}\). The number of vertices is written \(|\mathbf{V}|\), and the number of edges is written \(|\mathbf{E}|\). \(|\mathbf{E}|\) can range from zero to a maximum of \(|\mathbf{V}|^2-|\mathbf{V}|\)

Graph ADT

interface Graph { // Graph class ADT
  // Initialize the graph with some number of vertices
  void init(int n);

  // Return the number of vertices
  int nodeCount();

  // Return the current number of edges
  int edgeCount();

  // Get the value of node with index v
  Object getValue(int v);

  // Set the value of node with index v
  void setValue(int v, Object val);
  // Adds a new edge from node v to node w with weight wgt
  void addEdge(int v, int w, int wgt);

  // Get the weight value for an edge
  int weight(int v, int w);

  // Removes the edge from the graph.
  void removeEdge(int v, int w);

  // Returns true iff the graph has the edge
  boolean hasEdge(int v, int w);

  // Returns an array containing the indicies of the neighbors of v
  int[] neighbors(int v);

Sampling of graph terminology: