As a reminder, here is the Link
Class from the reading:
class Link<E> { // Singly linked list node class
private E e; // Value for this node
private Link<E> n; // Point to next node in list
// Constructors
Link(E it, Link<E> inn) { e = it; n = inn; }
Link(Link<E> inn) { e = null; n = inn; }
E element() { return e; } // Return the value
E setElement(E it) { return e = it; } // Set element value
Link<E> next() { return n; } // Return next link
Link<E> setNext(Link<E> inn) { return n = inn; } // Set next link
Here is part of the LList
class LList<E> implements List<E> {
private Link<E> head; // Pointer to list header
private Link<E> tail; // Pointer to last element
private Link<E> curr; // Access to current element
private int listSize; // Size of list
// Constructors
LList(int size) { // Constructor -- Ignore size
LList() {
public void clear() {
curr = tail = new Link<E>(null); // Create trailer
head = new Link<E>(tail); // Create header
listSize = 0;
public E remove () throws NoSuchElementException {
if (curr == tail) {// Nothing to remove
throw new NoSuchElementException();
E it = curr.element(); // Remember value
curr.setElement(; // Pull forward the next element
if ( == tail) {
tail = curr; // Removed last, move tail
curr.setNext(; // Point around unneeded link
listSize--; // Decrement element count
return it; // Return value
Using this code, complete the following diagramming and code-tracing exercises. Do not erase any values or links. Just cross them out.
, and curr
, and "C"
and which is currently positioned at "B"
. What
happens when remove
is called? Update the diagram as you trace
through the method’s code. Do not erase any values or links. Just
cross them out.Draw a linked diagram of a list containing the strings "A"
, "C"
, and "D"
. and which is currently positioned at
. What happens when list.precedes("D")
is called? Update
the diagram as you trace through the method’s code.
public boolean precedes(E target) {
Link<E> cursor =;
while (cursor != curr) {
if (cursor.element().equals(target)) {
return true;
cursor =;
return false;
Analyze each of the methods below according to the instructions in the Javadoc comments.
* What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming that toList
* is initially empty, and that both lists are of type
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
public static void copy(List<Integer> fromList,
List<Integer> toList) {
for (int item : fromList) {
* What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming that toList
* is initially empty, and that both lists are of type
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
public static void copyReverseA(List<Integer> fromList,
List<Integer> toList) {
for (int item : fromList) {
toList.add(0, item);
* What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming that toList
* is initially empty, and that both lists are of type
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
public static void copyReverseB(List<Integer> fromList,
List<Integer> toList) {
int value;
for (int i = fromList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
value = fromList.get(i);
* What is worst-case the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming
* that toList is initially empty, and that both lists are of the indicated
* type. Describe the worst case.
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
* What is average-case the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming
* that toList is initially empty, and that both lists are of the indicated
* type.
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
public static void copyScramble(List<Integer> fromList,
List<Integer> toList) {
Random gen = new Random();
int randomIndex;
int value;
for (int i = 0; i < fromList.size(); i++) {
randomIndex = gen.nextInt(fromList.size());
value = fromList.remove(randomIndex);