CS 240: Algorithms and Data Structures
James Madison University, Fall 2020
  1. Insert the keys 21, 18, 7, 3, 45, 8 into a min heap (in order). Draw the final heap both as a tree and as an array.

2. Draw the state of the heap from the previous question after a single call to removeMin.

3. Repeat the previous exercise for two more calls to removeMin.

  1. Here is an interface describing a simple Priority Queue ADT:

    // The Priority Queue Interface.
    interface PriorityQueue<V> {
        // Reinitialize
        void clear();
        // Insert a record
        // priority: the priority for the record being inserted.
        // value: the record being inserted.
        void insert(double priority, V value);
        // Remove and return a record.
        // Remove the record with the minimum priority
        V removeMin();
        // Return the record with the minimum priority
        V min();
        // Return the number of records.
        int size();
        // Build a priority queue from a collection of elements
        // priorities: the priorities for the records being inserted.
        // values: the records being inserted.
        void build(double[] priorities, V[] values);
    • Consider four concrete implementations of this ADT:
      1. priority/value pairs are stored in a sorted array.
      2. priority/value pairs are stored in a (non-self balancing) binary search tree.
      3. priority/value pairs are stored in an AVL tree.
      4. priority/value pairs are stored in a Heap. (Note that both 1. and 4. will make use of dynamic arrays.)
    • What are the worst-case big-\(\Theta\) running times for the following operations. For "BST" assume the worst-case tree structure.
    insert removeMin min build
    Sorted array
    AVL Tree
    • Assuming that a single reference requires 8-bytes of space, what is the worst-case space overhead for of the implementations above? Assume that each implementation stores the key value pairs in a Pair class and that we are not counting the space required for the pairs. You may also assume that all tree nodes contain two child references.
    Sorted array
    AVL Tree
    • Which implementation do you think makes the most sense?