CS 240: Data Structures and Algorithms
James Madison University, Fall 2012

HW #7

For this assignment you will use Blackboard to submit two .py files: one .py file containing an updated version of binary_tree.py from in-class activity #6 and one .py file containing the unit tests mentioned in Exercise #3 below. Your code should include an acknowledgment statement and should conform to the CS240 Coding Standards. Don't forget to include an honor code statement in your submission.

  1. Complete Exercise #2 from in-class activity #6. (5pts)
  2. Complete Exercise #3 from in-class activity #6. (5pts)
  3. Develop appropriate unit tests for each of the methods from the previous two exercises. You may use the file binary_tree_tests.py as a starting point. For full credit, your tests must use the unittest module from the Python standard library. (5pts)