CS 240: Data Structures and Algorithms
James Madison University, Fall 2012

HW #1

For this assignment you will use Blackboard to submit a single .txt file containing written answers to questions about the Python programming language. The goal for this assignment is to gain experience using the official Python documentation. For each of your answers you must cite a supporting page from the http://docs.python.org/ site.

The file hw1.txt contains the questions.

Here is a sample question and answer to give you an idea of what I am looking for:

Q: Briefly describe two testing frameworks that are included in the Python
standard libraries.

A: 1) The doctest module makes it possible to include simple tests
 directly in a function's documentation.  This serves the dual purpose
 of showing the user an example of a correct function call and helping
 to ensure that the function continues to operate as expected. 2) the
 unittest module provides a unit testing framework similar to Java's

Short introduction to doctest and unittest: 
Detailed documentation of doctest: 
Detailed documentation of unittest:

You may use hw1.txt as a template.