In this programming assignment you will write two evaluators for fully parenthesized infix expressions: one using stacks and one using recursion.
Your program must be in a file called
. The program must read
fully parenthesized infix expressions from the the user, one per line,
evaluate them, and write the result to the terminal. It must evaluate
them twice: once using stacks, and once using recursion. It must
continue to evaluate expressions until the user enters an empty line.
If it encounters erroneous input (a malformed expression), it must
report an error and ask for more input.
program must evaluate fully parenthesized integer
expressions whose constants are single digits and whose operations are
addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), integer division
(/), and modular division (%). It must also recognize parentheses and
skip whitespace (blanks and tabs).
Here is a sample execution of
$ python Infix expression evaluator. > ((9+3) / (8-2)) 2 2 > ((8=2)*5) Bad characters. > ((8+2)*5 Missing right parenthesis. Missing right parenthesis. > (8+2)*5)) Extra characters at end of expression. Missing left parenthesis. > Bye. $
In this example, $
is the Unix prompt. Evaluators may
give different error messages because of differences in the way that
they detect errors.
The file
must conform to the following skeleton.
You should add additional helper functions, but the functions included
below must be implemented in accordance with their docstrings. You
should use the stack class defined
in to implement your stack-based
""" Header docstring should be here. """ from pyliststack import Stack class BadExpressionError(Exception): pass def evalInfixStack(expression): """ Evaluate a fully parenthesized infix expression using a stack. This function evaluates fully parenthesized expressions involving single digit integers and the operators addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), integer division (/), and modular division (%). A BadExpressionError will be raised if the expression contains unrecognized characters, or is not well formed. Spaces and tab characters are ignored. Arguments: expression - a string containing a mathematical expression. Returns: an integer containing the value of the expression. """ pass def evalInfixRecursion(expression): """ Evaluate a fully parenthesized infix expression using recursion. This function evaluates fully parenthesized expressions involving single digit integers and the operators addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), integer division (/), and modular division (%). A BadExpressionError will be raised if the expression contains unrecognized characters, or is not well formed. Spaces and tab characters are ignored. Arguments: expression - a string containing a mathematical expression. Returns: an integer containing the value of the expression. """ pass def main(): """ Prompt a user for mathematical expressions and print results twice: once evaluated using a stack, and once evaluated using recursion. """ pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()
You are not required to submit unit tests with this assignment, but I recommend that you write them anyway. Methodical testing is likely to save you time and effort in the long run.
def recStringLength(string): strIter = iter(string) return recStringLengthInner(strIter, 0) def recStringLengthInner(strIter, length): try: ch = except StopIteration: #base case! the end of the string has been reached. return length return recStringLengthInner(strIter, length + 1)
You will need to be able to check to see if individual characters are
digits, operators, parentheses or unrecognized characters. The
method of the string class can be useful here. For
example, the expression:
s in "+-*/%"will evaluate to True if s is a string containing an operator.
One way of checking to see if a string contains an integer is to attempt to cast the string to an integer inside a try catch block. If a value error is raised then you know that the string does not represent an integer:
>>> int("house") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'house'
function that
takes an operator character and two integers as arguments and returns
the result of applying the operator designated by the character to the
integer arguments. For example: evaluate("*",2,3)
returns 6.
This is a modified version of a project originally developed by Dr. Chris Fox.