Analyze each of the methods below according to the instructions in the
Javadoc comments. In each case you will be comparing the performance of
with java.util.LinkedList
. Recall that
is implemented using a doubly-linked list that
maintains both a head and tail reference.
* What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming that toList
* is initially empty, and that both lists are of type
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
public static void copy(List<Integer> fromList,
List<Integer> toList) {
for (int item : fromList) {
* What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming that toList
* is initially empty, and that both lists are of type
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
public static void copyReverseA(List<Integer> fromList,
List<Integer> toList) {
for (int item : fromList) {
toList.add(0, item);
* What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming that toList
* is initially empty, and that both lists are of type
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
public static void copyReverseB(List<Integer> fromList,
List<Integer> toList) {
int value;
for (int i = fromList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
value = fromList.get(i);
* What is worst-case the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming
* that toList is initially empty, and that both lists are of the indicated
* type. Describe the worst case.
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
* What is average-case the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming
* that toList is initially empty, and that both lists are of the indicated
* type.
* ArrayList:
* LinkedList:
public static void copyScramble(List<Integer> fromList,
List<Integer> toList) {
Random gen = new Random();
int randomIndex;
int value;
for (int i = 0; i < fromList.size(); i++) {
randomIndex = gen.nextInt(fromList.size());
value = fromList.remove(randomIndex);