Lab: Testing with JUnit in JGrasp Name: Email: JAC#: Part 1. Creating A JUnit Test Class 1.4. Take a minute to look over What do you think will happen when this class is executed? 1.5. Compile and run using the new JUnit-specific buttons. What happened? 1.6. Now remove @Test from before the defaultTest method, and run again. What happened? Part 3. Testing isEligibleForCharge 3.1. Ultimately, each of the non-trivial methods of the Account class will need to be tested. In today's lab, We will start small by coding some tests for the isEligibleForCharge method. Take a minute to carefully read the JavaDocs for that method to ensure that you understand its expected behavior. Then consider each of the following situations and determine the correct output of isEligibleForCharge for each one. *A newly created account. *An open account with $500.01 in purchases. *An open account with $500.00 in purchases. *An open account with $499.99 in purchases. *A closed account with total purchases above $500.00. *A closed account with total purchases below $500.00. *An account that once had a purchase total above $500.00, but now has a purchase total below $500.00 as a result of returns. 3.2. Write JUnit test methods covering each of the situations described above. (Include your code here.) Part 4. Testing an Alternate Implementation of Account 4.2. Re-execute the JUnit tests that you wrote above. What happens? 4.3. Without being able to look at the source, what errors do you think were made by the programmer of this version of the class?