 * Any class that has an adjustable volume may implement this interface.
public interface Audible
    int MAX_VOLUME = 10;

    int getVolume();

    void setVolume(int volume);

 * Any class is rechargable may implement this interface.
public interface Rechargeable
    public void recharge();

 *  Cell Phones are not toys. 
public class CellPhone implements Rechargeable, Audible
    private int chargeLevel;
    private int volume;
    public CellPhone(int chargeLevel, int volume)
        this.chargeLevel = chargeLevel;
        this.volume = volume;

    public int getVolume()
        return volume;
    public void setVolume(int volume)
        this.volume = volume;

    public void makeCall()
        System.out.println("Riing... Hello.");
    public void recharge()
        chargeLevel = 10;
        System.out.println("All charged up!");


 * Class representing a generic loud toy. Exists only to serve as a superclass.
public abstract class LoudToy implements Audible
    private int volume;

    public LoudToy(int volume)
        this.volume = volume;

    public abstract void makeNoise();

    public int getVolume()
        return volume;

    public void setVolume(int volume)
        this.volume = volume;


 * A rechargable toy robot.
public class ToyRobot extends LoudToy implements Rechargeable
    private int chargeLevel;

    public ToyRobot()
        chargeLevel = 5;

    public void makeNoise()
        System.out.println("Beep Beep!");

    public void recharge()
        chargeLevel = 10;
        System.out.println("Charged up!");


 * A toy sheep that says "Baaa."
public class ToySheep extends LoudToy

    public ToySheep()

    public void makeNoise()


public class RechargeDriver

    public static void main(String[] args)
        ArrayList<Rechargeable> items = new ArrayList<>();
        items.add(new ToyRobot());
        items.add(new CellPhone(4, 5));

        // The power of polymorphism through interfaces! The same method can
        // operate on ToyRobots and CellPhones even though they are not related
        // through inheritance.


    public static void rechargeAll(ArrayList<Rechargeable> items)
        for (Rechargeable item : items)