PA #6: Plagiarism Detection


For this assignment you will write a command line utility that reads in two text files and displays information about the longest sequence of words that appears in both documents.

Program Specifications

Your main class must be named DuplicateSearch, and it must take three command line arguments: two file names and an optional integer value.

DuplicateSearch file1.txt file2.txt [K]
No matches shorter than K will be returned. (See below for a more detailed description of K.) If no value for K is provided, then a default of 3 should be used.

For example, consider the two files:

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its
own way.  

Everything was in confusion in the Oblonskys' house.  The wife had
discovered that the husband was carrying on an intrigue with a French
girl, who had been a governess in their family, and she had announced
to her husband that she could not go on living in the same house with
In the words of Leo Tolstoy: "Every unhappy family is unhappy in its
own way."

Given these two files, an interaction with your program will look like the following:

$ java DuplicateSearch A.txt B.txt 2

Match length: 9
Position in A.txt: 5
Position in B.txt: 6

Matching words: 
every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

The format of your output must exactly match the format of the example above. The search must not be case-sensitive, and it must disregard all punctuation and newlines. For this project, Web-CAT will not test your code for proper error handling.

If no matches of the appropriate length are found, your program must print the string "\nNo matches found.\n".

You must use the the utility method in for reading text from the file. Note that this method uses any non-word character as a delimiter, so it will split some single words into multiple entries. For example "Bob's" will be split into "Bob" and "s". This is fine for our purposes, since both documents will be parsed in the same way.


There is a simple brute-force algorithm for finding matching sequences as described above: just start a search at every possible pair of locations in each document, and return the longest match that is discovered starting from any of those locations. Pseudocode for this approach would look like the following:

This algorithm works fine for files with a few hundred or a few thousand words, but it isn't very useful for large documents. For example, consider two documents that have 1,000,000 words each. There are then 1,000,000 x 1,000,000 = 1012 = 1 trillion pairs of locations to check in the two documents. Computers are fast, but it will still take a long time to finish that computation.

The brute force algorithm above is slow because it needs to scan all the way through Document2 for every word in Document1. The vast majority of those searches will terminate immediately with a mismatch. For example, the first word in A.txt, "Happy", never appears at all in B.txt, but the algorithm still looks for it at every possible location.

We can improve our algorithm by only searching for matches at "promising" locations in Document2: locations where we know we will find at least one matching word. The following pseudocode describes this approach:

This new algorithm is much more efficient than the brute-force approach, but it still has a problem. English text is dominated by a few high frequency words like "the", "a" and "and". This results in many false positives: for every "the" that appears in Document1, we will need to check every "the" in Document2, even though most of them will not be part of a longer match.

The problem of high frequency words will be addressed with one last refinement to the algorithm: rather than storing the locations of every individual word, we will store the locations of short sequences of K words. The word "the" might appear hundreds of times in a long document, but the phrase "the wife had" is unlikely to appear at all unless text has been copied from one document to the other. With this modification, it won't be possible to find matches shorter than K, but we usually aren't interested in short matches anyway. In practice, K=3 should usually be a reasonable value.

Note that the algorithm description above does not specify how word locations should be stored or retrieved. It is your responsibility to select appropriate java collection types for solving this problem efficiently.


As with the previous project, your code will only pass the submission tests if your output formatting is exactly correct. Here is a unit test corresponding to the example above:

This test should help you confirm that your output matches the expected format.

It is a little known fact that Mark Twain was a shameless plagiarist. He is known to have lifted one 44-word passage of his novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn verbatim from Herman Melville's Moby Dick*. You can test your program by locating this passage.

If your code is working correctly, it should take no more than a few seconds to locate the offending text. Web-CAT will be configured to fail any submission that requires more than six seconds on this example.


Here are some optional extensions:

Submission and Grading


You must submit your completed code through Web-CAT by the project deadline. You should not submit As with previous assignments, code that does not pass all submission tests will receive at most 50% credit. Your final grade will be reduced by one point for each submission beyond five.

Hints and Advice

* Completely untrue.