Recursion Exercises
The goal of today's lab is to practice writing recursive methods by
competing as many CodingBat recursion exercises as possible in 50 minutes.
Creating an Account
- Navigate to the CodingBat web-site.
- If you already have an account, log in. Otherwise, use the "create
account" link on the upper right portion of the page to create a new
account. (This account will be used for grading the lab so you need to
use your real name.)
- Once your account is created, click on the "prefs" link and enter the email address of you instructor in the "Share To" box at the bottom of the page. (
- In principle, it should be possible to grade your work through the
sharing mechanism from the previous step. Just in case that doesn't
work you should save copies of your solutions to a text file.
Start Programming!
You are not required to work on these in order, but they do build on
each other to some extent. If the exercises from Group 1 seem too
easy, feel free to skip ahead to Group 2. To receive credit for the
lab you must finish at least four exercises.
Group 1
Group 2