CS139 Lab 1 -- Algorithms NAME: PARTNER'S NAME: ---------------------------------------------------- 2 Executing Algorithms ---------------------------------------------------- 2.2.1. Which steps perform input? 2.2.2. Which steps perform output? 2.2.3. Which steps modify the value of a variable? 2.2.4. Which steps involve a mathematical operation? 2.2.5. Which steps perform iteration? 2.2.6. This algorithm contains a "bug": a logical error that results in incorrect output. Where is the problem? How can it be fixed? ---------------------------------------------------- 3 Creating Algorithms ---------------------------------------------------- 3.1.1. Algorithm 3.1.5. What was incorrect or imprecise about your algorithm? 3.2.1. Algorithm 3.2.5. What was incorrect or imprecise about your algorithm? 3.3.1. Algorithm 3.3.5. What was incorrect or imprecise about your algorithm? 3.4.1. Algorithm 3.4.5. What was incorrect or imprecise about your algorithm?