CS 149: Programming Fundamentals James Madison University Coding Exam #1 Fall 2018 (50 minutes timed)
- You must use a Linux lab machine and log in with the generic student account.
- You may only use the provided reference sheet.
- You may only run the following programs: JGrasp/DrJava (or other simple editor - no Eclipse), a terminal, meld (or other diff tool), and a web browser. All windows should be arranged so that the instructor can see what you're doing.
- The use of any pre-existing code (other than that provided as part of the exam), other documents/pages/sites, and/or other programs will be considered a violation of the Honor Code.
- At the end of the exam, you will submit your code via Autolab. You may not use Canvas for any other purpose (e.g., looking at sample solutions to prior labs) during the exam.
- Create a ARCalc.java file that uses only a main method to solve the problem given to you in class on paper.
- Use this input file:
- Use this expected output file: test1.exp
- Start by Coding what you can - JavaDoc, stubs, etc. Make sure these pass Checkstyle for all classes/methods.
- Run Checkstyle + Compile
- Write your input prompts
- Run Checkstyle + Compile
- Write your calculations
- Run Checkstyle + Compile
- Write your outputs
- By about 1/2 way through time period(25:00minutes) submit to Autolab what you have and make sure it compiles and passes Checkstyle.
- By 10 minutes remaining you should be wrapping up your coding and final tests and preparing your final submission
- by 5 minutes left you should be submitting final code to https://autolab.cs.jmu.edu.