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1-Day In-Class Assignments

1 - Uninformed Search Lab


The goal of this lab is to implement and apply uninformed search algorithms and to become more familiar with Python. This lab was originally developed as part of the AI project at Berkeley University.


Useful API documents:


The required files for this lab are provided in . The files you will need to modify are:

  • (UNFINISHED) a representation of an eight piece sliding puzzle. You can directly run this file and watch your search problem solve an instance of the puzzle.

  • (UNFINISHED) A set of uninformed search functions that operate on SearchProblem instances


Download the zip file above and complete and so that all functions conform to their Python docstrings. Test your completed files by running .

Storing States Efficiently

Graph search methods need to track visited states to avoid getting into infinite loops (and wasting computing time and space).  You must utilize a python set object to store the visited/reached states.  Hashing in Python (whether into a set or a dictionary) utilizes the __hash__ and __eq__ member functions of the object being stored. 

Task: Augment the to provide both the __hash__ and __eq__ functions for the class EightPuzzleState.  These are required for storing objects as keys in dictionaries and sets.

Hint: To hash something, one approach could first turn the object into a String and then use the Python hash function (which knows how to change a String into a hashcode).  For the eq function, think about what makes two puzzles equal?

Task: Augment the and complete the breadthFirstSearchStats, depthFirstSearchStats, and whateverFirstSearch functions so that they comply with their docstrings.

For the frontiers, a queue.LifoQueue object can be used as a stack and the queue.Queue object can serve as a queue. It is important that both types of frontiers share the same interface so that whateverFirstSearch does not need to distingish between them (they share the same member function names for most operations). The prototyped methods of depthFirstSearch and breadthFirstSearch must simply create the frontier and call whateverFirstSearch.  They literally should be 2 lines of code each. Each method should return the tuple returned by whateverFirstSearch (see the docstring in whateverFirstSeach).

Frontier Mangement

All of your functions must add items to the frontier data structure in the order that the successors function returns the actions.

Until now (and based on what we have read), you may have thought of the frontier as just storing which state to visit next.  But the goal of these methods is to construct PATHs from the start state to the goal state.  In the assigned reading, a search tree is used to encode the path. To do this, as we remove items from the frontier, we need to know the parent state (so we know where to append this node in the tree).  It is useful to think of this as a tree, but in Python, it is common to take another approach to this problem.  Let each entry in the frontier be a tuple that consists of three items:

  1. the current state
  2. a list which represents the ordered actions required to move from the start state to the current state (in other words, the path from start to current)
  3. the cost of the actions taken from the root to the current node.  You might think you could compute this as the length of the list - 1, however, some problems do not have uniform cost actions like the 8 piece puzzle.  Notice that the getSuccessors function returns a tuple with the new state, the action taken, and the action cost.  Your cost should be the running sum of the action costs.  

For this lab, the “object” you push on the frontier must be a namedtuple.  Tuples are similar to lists in Python except they are immutable.  Using a namedtuple is nice and enables you to refer to items by name instead of just [0], [1], etc.  We will briefly discuss in class what items to place in the tuple.  

No additional Python imports

You may not add any imports to or If you think that you need to import a library, post a question to Piazza or email me.

Testing Your Code

If you have trouble with your submission, you may find it helpful to look at the unittests: .

Fun Tests with Pacman

You can use your uninformed search methods to find a path to the nearest dot in Pacman.

The Pacman board will show an overlay of the states explored, and the order in which they were explored (brighter red means earlier exploration). Is the exploration order what you would have expected? Does Pacman actually go to all the explored squares on his way to the goal? Does either method find the most efficient path to the dot?

python -l mediumMaze -p SearchAgent -a fn=dfs
python -l mediumMaze -p SearchAgent -a fn=bfs

Hint: If Pacman moves too slowly for you, add the option --frameTime 0 (or some other value like 0.05 works well).


Item Description Points
BFS Breadth-first graph search correct and passes test cases 30
DFS Depth-first graph search correct and passes test cases 30
Hasheq Implements __hash__ and __eq__ functions inside of 20
Named tuple whateverFirstSearch puts and retrieves namedtuples on the frontier 15
Style Good coding style 5


Submit your completed version of and through Gradescope. You have an unlimited number of submissions. Note that the autograder is not verifying your hasheq and namedtuple portions of the assignment.


I would like to thank the Berkeley AI team for developing the Pacman API and the scaffolding around this assignment.

2 - Informed Search Lab


In this lab, you will write uniform cost search (UCS) and A* search methods in Python.
You will construct heuristics for A* specifcally for the eightpiece puzzle problem (the two that were discussed in lecture). This lab introduces priority queue objects in Python.

NOTE Technically UCS is an uninformed search method since it does not use knowledge about the goal location, but it is part of this lab so that we can compare how it performs against A*.


Useful API documents:


Copy your Lab 1 files over to a new directory for this lab. You will need your search methods and the modified file with the hash functions added for this lab.

  • (UNFINISHED) a representation of an eight piece sliding puzzle. You will add the two heuristic functions discussed in lecture.

  • (UNFINISHED) A set of search functions that operate on SearchProblem instances. You will complete the UCS method by adapting whateverFirstSearch to work with this.

  • (UNFINISHED) Python code to plot the results of your searchs on the 6 benchmark puzzles

  • A unittest file to test your code.


  1. Copy the entire set of files from Lab 1

  2. Complete the aStarSearchStats method within so that it conforms to its Python docstring. NOTE: Completing the aStarSearchStats method enables uniformCostSearchStats to use the call it and utilize the nullHeuristic function.

It is required that UCS be unchanged and that it just calls aStarSearchStats. You could change whateverFirstSearch to handle all 4 searches (although this is not a requirement). HINT: It is a good idea to use a namedtuple that stores f(x), g(x), and h(x) separately.

  1. Complete the tilesEightPuzzleHeuristic and manhattenEightPuzzleHeuristic methods inside of These methods compute heuristics for the eight piece puzzle. The requirements of each method are detailed in their Python docstrings. When called directly, the module will generate a random eight piece puzzle and use your code to solve it. As coded, it calls BFS, but you can change it to call UCS or A* so that you can test your code.

  2. Showcase the performance (expanded state count) between the different searches by creating a plot in python. This single plot needs to show the 6 puzzles on the X axis (the ones built by and used by, the Y axis for each of these 6 points is the number of expand operations performed. You need to plot a line for each search: UCS, A* w/tiles, A* w/manhatten). An example of creating a plot with two lines is provided in the .

Priority Queues in Python and Frontier Management

A* and UCS both required a priority queue. The priorityQueue object accepts a tuple (with any number of elements) and uses all the element in the tuple for creating the “key” that it will use for extracting the minimum value. For example, if all the first elements were distinct values, it would never need to access the other elements (which it would only use to break a tie). You might try storing a tuple with (f(x), node). However, since it is likely that more than 1 node in the priority queue will have the same f(x) value, which would require the priority queue to compare the second element in the tupe to break the tie, which is a node object. Since node is a namedtuple, it does not have a comparison method and thus, Python throws an error.

While several solutions exist for this situation, including adding comparative methods and or wrapping the item in a class as suggested in the PriorityQueue documentation. Here is a solution that works well in practice in Python. Given two elements on the priority queue with the same f(x), the A* algorithm does not care which one is extracted. Therefore, just store an extra element within the tuple stored on the priority queue, where the first element is f(x), the second element is some counter value (unique by construction), and then any remaining elements. Since each counter value is unique, it breaks all ties when the f(x) values are the same, and the elements that follow are never evaluated for key order.

In your A* method, you can create a counter at the beginning of your function (count is imported from itertools):

from itertools import count

unique = count()

An example of adding a new item to the priority queue is:

pq.put((f(x), next(unique), node))

where node is a namedtupled that should contains 4 items:

  1. the state
  2. a list of actions to get from the start state to this state
  3. the cost so far so get to this state (g(x))
  4. the heuristical cost to get from this state to the goal (h(x))

While having items 3 and 4 (g(x) and h(x)) is redundant (since f(x) is already the first element), it greatly helps with debugging your code and is highly recommended.

Working with the EightPuzzle for heuristic computation

It may be helpful to have the puzzle in a 1d type structure (instead of the 2d array). You can use the following call to “flatten” the data into a 1d structure:

from itertools import chain

Shorter Paths

Is it possible that a state/node appears in the priority queue more than once with A* search? If so, how do you handle this? Think about this question and the reached data structure used with graph search. The good news is that you can deal with this, but can you explain how your code will deal with this situation?

No additional Python imports

You may not add any imports to or If you think that you need to import a library, post a question to Piazza or email me.

Testing Your Code

If you have trouble with your submission, you may find it helpful to look at the unittests that are provided in the file.

Fun Tests with Pacman

You can use your informed search methods to find paths with different agents and cost functions in Pacman.

The Pacman board will show an overlay of the states explored, and the order in which they were explored (brighter red means earlier exploration). Is the exploration order what you would have expected? Does Pacman actually go to all the explored squares on his way to the goal? Does either method find the most efficient path to the dot?

python -l bigMaze -z .5 --frameTime 0.04 -p SearchAgent -a fn=ucs
python -l bigMaze -z .5 --frameTime 0.04 -p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,heuristic=manhattanHeuristic

Notice that the two paths have the same cost (they are both optimal). However the UCS should have expanded more nodes than A* (showing that it took UCS more computations to find an optimal path).


Item Description Points
A* A* graph search correct and passes test cases 35
UCS Uniform cost search correct and passes test cases 10
Tile heuristic tile heuristic implemented correctly 10
Manhatten heuristic The manhatten tile heuristic implemented correctly 15
Named tuples Named tuples used on Frontier 10
Analysis plots Plot of analysis on UCS, A* w/tile heuristic, and A* w/manhatten heuristic 15
Style Good coding style 5


Submit your completed version of, and a PDF containing your plots named searchPlots.pdf through Gradescope. You have an unlimited number of submissions. Note that the autograder is not verifying your plots and namedtuple portions of the assignment (these will be manually evaluated).