CS 412 Fall 2024 Calendar

A calendar/plan for the semester.

W Date Lecture Topic Readings Activities Homework
1 21-Aug Class Intro to Algorithms Lecture Data Structure Refresher Precourse Survey
23-Aug Algorithm Analysis Lecture MPQ1
2 26-Aug Algorithm Analysis Lab Lab - Written Algorithm Analysis HW 1 - WDTFS Released
28-Aug Python Empirical Analysis/Shell scripts Video on Shell Scripting Lab - Python HW Review
30-Aug Recursive Analysis and Divide and Conquer Lecture includes plug and chug Erickson Chp 1 RQ - Divide and Conquer
3 2-Sep Divide and Conquer Analysis/Masters Theorem And Recurrence Trees Lab - Written Divide and Conquer Analysis Lab
4-Sep Divide and Conquer Programming Lab Lab - Coding Circular Arrays and Inversion
6-Sep Master Quiz 1
4 9-Sep Backtracking Lecture Erickson Chp 2
  • HW - Grid Tiling
  • RQ Backtracking
11-Sep Backtracking Lab Lab - Coding Palinedone Partitioning
13-Sep Dynamic Programming I Memoization Erickson Chp 3.1 RQ Memoization
5 16-Sep Memoization Lab
  • Lab - Coding Palindrone with Memoization
HW Rocket Sections
18-Sep Dynamic Programming II Lecture Erickson Chp 3.3 - 3.8 RQ Dynamic Programming
20-Sep Dynamic Programming Problem Review Lab - Written Dynamic Programming Review
6 23-Sep Dynamic Programming Lab Lab - Coding Palindrone w/DP
25-Sep Quizzes MQ2/MQ1R HW - Rocket Section w/DP
27-Sep Greedy Algorithms Erickson Chp 4 RQ - Greedy Algorithms
7 30-Sep Greedy Algorithm Lab Lab - Coding Fractional Knapsack NEW
2-Oct Greedy Proof Techniques
4-Oct Basic Graph Algorithms Erickson Chp 5.1 - 5.5 RQ - Graphs
8 7-Oct DFS and Spanning Trees Erickson Chp 6.1 - 6.3
9-Oct DFS Lab and Review Lab - Coding Bus Routing
11-Oct Slack Day/Additional Graphs Lecture
9 14-Oct Quizzes MQ3/MQ2R HW Mapping Islands
16-Oct Fall break
18-Oct Fall break
10 21-Oct Min Spanning Tree Lecture Erickson Chp 7.1 - 7.4
23-Oct Min Spanning Tree Lab Lab - Coding MST
25-Oct Shortest Path Lecture Erickson Chp 8 RQ - Shortest Path
11 28-Oct Shortest Path Algo Design and Proof
30-Oct Shortest Path Lab Lab - Coding Shortest Path
1-Nov Max Flow/Min Cut Lecture Erickson Chp 10
12 4-Nov Max Flow Applications and Written Activity HW Shortest Path
6-Nov Max Flow/Min Cut Coding Lab Lab - Coding Identifying a Min Cut
8-Nov Quizzes MQ4/MQ3R
13 11-Nov NP Complete Lecture
13-Nov Project Teamwork time HW Min Cut
15-Nov Approximation Techniques 1
14 18-Nov NP Complete Reductions Lecture and Lab Lab - Written and Coding NP Reductions
20-Nov Approximation Techniques 2
22-Nov Quizzes MQ5/MQ4R
15 25-Nov Thanksgiving Break
16 2-Dec Approximation Lab
4-Dec Project Teamwork time
6-Dec PresentationDay #1
17 11-Dec Final Exam Presentation #2 and MQ5R retake MQ5R
Last modified March 12, 2025: Update deploy.yml (d56ac95)