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Dynamic Analysis Lab


Practice run time analysis on the following code snippets.

Problem 1

To determine the number of steps, count all assignments to sum.

 * What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming 
 * that list is
 * an ArrayList:
 * a LinkedList:
public static int sumByIndex(List<Integer> list) {

    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        sum += list.get(i);
    return sum;

Problem 2

To determine the number of steps, count all assignments to sum.

 * What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming 
 * that list is:
 * an ArrayList:
 * a LinkedList:
public static int sumWithIterator(List<Integer> list) {

    int sum = 0;
    for (int curValue : list) {
        sum += curValue;
    return sum;

Problem 3

 * What is the big-Theta running time of this method, 
 * assuming that toList is initially empty, and that both lists are 
 * of type:
 * ArrayList:
 * LinkedList:
public static void copy(List<Integer> fromList,
                        List<Integer> toList) {

    for (int item : fromList) {

Problem 4

Consider the following code:

 * What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming
 * that toList is initially empty, and that both lists 
 * are of type:
 * ArrayList:
 * LinkedList:
public static void copyReverseA(List<Integer> fromList, 
                                List<Integer> toList) {

    for (int item : fromList) {
        toList.add(0, item);

Problem 5

 * What is the big-Theta running time of this method, assuming that
 * toList is initially empty, and that both lists are of type
 * ArrayList:
 * LinkedList:
public static void copyReverseB(List<Integer> fromList, 
                                List<Integer> toList) {
    int value;
    for (int i = fromList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        value = fromList.get(i);

Problem 6

 * What is worst-case the big-Theta running time of this method,
 * assuming that toList is initially empty, and that both lists
 * are of the indicated type. Describe the worst case.
 * ArrayList:
 * LinkedList:
 * What is average-case the big-Theta running time of this method, 
 * assuming that toList is initially empty, and that both lists 
 * are of the indicated type.
 * ArrayList:
 * LinkedList:
public static void copyScramble(List<Integer> fromList, 
                                List<Integer> toList) {

    Random gen = new Random();
    int randomIndex;
    int value;
    for (int i = 0; i < fromList.size(); i++) {
        randomIndex = gen.nextInt(fromList.size());
        value = fromList.remove(randomIndex);