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CS 240 Spring 2024 Calendar

A calendar/plan for the semester.

Acknowledgement and Citations: Some of the material below was developed from:
  • Nathan Sprague
W Date Lecture Topic Readings Activities Homework Project
1 17-Jan Introduction
19-Jan Collections Review
2 22-Jan Generics and Iterators Uninformed Search Lab 1:Iterators PA 1
24-Jan Algorithm Analysis
26-Jan Lab 2: Generics and Iterators
3 29-Jan Algo Analysis Exercise
31-Jan Analyzing problems
2-Feb More analysis exercises
4 5-Feb Dynamic Arrays PA 1 Due
PA 2
7-Feb LinkedList vs ArrayLists
9-Feb Lab 3: Dynamic Arrays
5 12-Feb Lab 4: Linked Lists
14-Feb Stacks and Queues
16-Feb Lab 5: Queue Lab
6 19-Feb Exam 1 Review
21-Feb Exam 1
23-Feb Lab 6: Recursion
7 26-Feb Developing Recurrences PA 2 Due
28-Feb Analyzing Recurrences
1-Mar Characterizing Recurrences Recurrence Exercises
8 4-Mar Basic Sorts PA 3
6-Mar Merge Sort
8-Mar Quick Sort
9 11-Mar Spring Break
10 18-Mar Radix Sort
Sort Review
20-Mar Binary Trees
22-Mar Lab 7: Binary Trees
11 25-Mar PA 3 Due
27-Mar AVL Trees
29-Mar Lab 8: BSTs
12 1-Apr Exam 2 Review
3-Apr Exam 2
5-Apr Heaps
13 8-Apr Huffman Coding PA 4
10-Apr Hashing
12-Apr Hashing problems
14 15-Apr Lab 9:Hashing Lab
17-Apr Hashing Wrap
19-Apr Graphs
15 22-Apr Lab 10: Graphs PA 4 Due
24-Apr Final Review
26-Apr Final Review
16 29-Apr Application Lab
1-May Application Lab
3-May No Class