As a reminder, the 2nd exam will consist of two parts (50 minutes each): a written exam on Tues, and a coding exam on Thursday. You are encouraged to study all previous activities and labs, textbook chapters and reading quizzes, and programming assignments.
Sample Written Exam (Fall 2015)
Sample Coding Exam (Fall 2015)
Practice Coding Exam 2(Spring 2018) - Weikle(This is a second practice exam that is more array oriented).
Students will be able to...
This is a closed-book, closed-notes, no-calculator exam. Do not refer to any materials other than the exam itself.
Do not look at anyone else's exam. Do not talk to anyone but the instructor during the exam. Turn off all cell phones, etc.
Use the restroom and take care of personal needs before you arrive. If you need to leave during the exam, ask for permission.
Students will be able to...
You must use a Linux lab machine and log in with your JMU account (not student). It's strongly recommended that you practice the sample exam in the lab so there will be no surprises on Friday.
During the exam, you may access materials on the course website including prior activities, lab instructions, and the textbook. However, you may not watch any of the videos or click on links to external websites.
You may only run the following programs: DrJava (or other editor), a terminal, and a web browser. All windows should be arranged so that the instructor can see what you're doing.
The use of any pre-existing code (other than that provided as part of the exam), other documents/pages/sites, and/or other programs will be considered a violation of the Honor Code.
At the end of the exam, you will submit your code via AUTOLAB. You may not use AUTOLAB for any other purpose (e.g., looking at code from prior assignments) during the exam.