CS 149: Programming Fundamentals
James Madison University, Spring 2019 Semester

Exam #1 logistics and preparation

About the Exam

Each exam will have two distinct parts: a written exam and a computer-based progamming exam.

In general, the written part of an exam will contain three kinds of questions: short answer (e.g., true-false, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank), code tracing (i.e., you are given a code fragment and asked to trace its execution or explain why it will not compile), and code completion (i.e., you are asked to write small portions of a program).

In general, the computer-based programming part of an exam will require you to write code (and/or tests) that demonstrates your ability to complete substantial programming assignments completely on your own. Because of time constraints, these tasks may be smaller than a typical programming assignment. However, their nature will be the same.

The following samples will give you an idea of the structure and length of exams. Sample exams are not a study guide. In other words, they do not provide information about what you should and/or shouldn't study. Note that the answers to the sample exams will not be made available. You should avoid focusing too much attention on the specifics of these questions.

Written Exam

Sample Written Exam (coming soon)


Students will be able to...


Coding Exam

Sample Coding Exam (coming soon)


Students will be able to...
