CS 149 - Lab22 Worksheet Name: Your name ==== Location.java ==== 1. Is the Location class mutable or immutable? Why? 2. Why is [mutable/immutable] the appropriate design for this class? 3. Why do we have only one constructor? Would there be any use for another? 4. What is the purpose of the two Location constants JMU and ISAT? 5. Is there any danger in making the constants public? Why or why not? ==== Alien.java ==== 6. Why is it important that all the attributes of the Alien class are private? 7. What is the purpose of the class variables? Why are they private and static? 8. What would happen if they were not static? (i.e., when you create objects) 9. Which of the methods in Alien.java are mutator methods? 10. Which of the methods in Alien.java are accessor methods?