Name: (Question 1) What do you find at the top of the Windows diagram? Describe which hardware it represents. (Question 2) What do you find listed below the "Program Files" directory? Describe what each file does. (Question 3) What is the path for the file john.doc? What is the path for the file 3dMaze.scr? (Question 4) In the Unix diagram, what is the absolute path to "donations" in the "jones" directory? (Question 5) You are now working in the /home/smith/ directory. What is the relative path to week1.txt? (Question 6) Where are the "games files" installed in this Unix-based system? Name the path. No need to turn in Q7-Q13 (Question 14) What commands would you type to do the following? a.Create a new subdirectory named step14. b. Copy a file from your home directory into step14. c. Rename the subdirectory step14 to delete_me. d. Delete the subdirectory. (This step requires multiple commands.) (Question 15) Use "man" to answer the following questions: a. What does clear do? b. What does grep do? c. What does man do?