GP2 Feedback, Code Review
Part 1. Sanity Check
Take a minute to make sure you're not losing points for trivial mistakes.
Are all of your files for GP2 in a subdirectory named schema?
Does your file (in schema) describe all the steps?
Are the tables in create.sql and in the same order?
Does your stats.sql script SELECT count(*)
from each table?
Does your diagram.dbml actually file match your final design?
Have you deleted any unnecessary files? (e.g., college.csv)
Part 2. Instructor Demo
Each team will have five minutes to present their work in progress to the instructor. Using two computers, please have the following items ready:
Computer #1 — Source Code |
Computer #2 — GUI Tools |
Open create.sql and side-by-side in two windows. |
Open your group database in pgAdmin and go to the Tables. |
Also open stats.sql and in those two windows. |
Open your diagram on; be ready to make edits. |
Your grade on this assignment will be determined as follows (±2 points):
A = 48 points: all requirements have been met, the code is of good quality, and the project is ready to move forward
B = 43 points: the assignment has been completed, but there are several minor defects that need to be addressed soon
C = 38 points: the code is satisfactory to pass a college course, but the project isn't quite ready to move forward yet
D = 33 points: little or no data has been imported and/or the code has serious issues that need to be resolved by GP3
F = 28 points: the team has produced very little work and essentially needs to redo the entire assignment from scratch
Part 3. Code Review
Before leaving today, each team must (1) review another team's code and (2) have another team review their code.
As a team, complete and submit a single code review form.
Please discuss the following questions during the code review:
What data sets are included in the design? Where did they come from? Is there sufficient detail in the to reproduce the project two years from now?
What are the main goals of the project? Does the team have enough data to meet these goals well? Are there any tables that are unnecessary for the project?
Do the table and column names and data types all make sense? If not, how can they be improved? Are the COMMENT
statements accurate and easy to understand?
Is the code formatted neatly, organized well, and readable? Are there any unnecessary or very large files present in GitHub? Is anything missing or not yet committed?
Use the rest of the review period to continue working on the group project and/or the homework assignment.