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Prep 2: HTML & JS Basics

Due: Wednesday, Jan 29th


  • 3.2 HTML Syntax
  • 3.4 Structure of HTML Documents
  • 3.5 Quick Tour of HTML Elements

  • 8.2 Where Does JavaScript Go?

  • 8.3 Variables and Data Types
  • 8.4 Conditionals
  • 8.5 Loops

Note: We will continue reading Chapters 3 and 8 next week. So these are the only sections you need to read for now.

Simple Single Page

  1. Right-click and download the textbook cover images:
  2. Use the images to complete "Hands-On Project 1" from page 117 of the textbook.
  3. Write your name in a <meta name="author" content="..."> tag in the <head>.
  4. Submit ch03-proj01.html to the corresponding Gradescope assignment.

CodingJS Problems

  1. Right-click and download codingjs-1.js.
  2. Complete the following CodingJS problems:
  3. Paste each of your solutions into codingjs-1.js.
    • Don't forget to type your name in the comment at the top of the file.
  4. Submit codingjs-1.js to the corresponding Gradescope assignment.