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Jan 23: HTTP Basics

Learning Objectives

After today's class, you should be able to:

  • Describe the process of an individual HTTP request and response.
  • Identify a URL's scheme, domain, port, path, query, and fragment.
  • Edit an HTML document in VS Code while running the Live Server.

Lesson Outline

Debrief [10 min]

  • Pre-Survey results, Piazza enrollment
  • Prep1 Quiz – any muddiest points?
  • Set up Dev Environment (see below)

Part A [15 min]

Part B [25 min]

Lab [25 min]

  • Install and configure FileZilla today
  • Do the rest and submit by Monday

Dev Environment


  1. Create a folder on your computer for this course.
    • Recommended name: CS343 (without a space)
    • Recommended location: anywhere but Downloads
  2. Inside your CS343 folder, create a folder named notes. This will be a great place to put:
    • The class's slides if you download them
    • Your own notes from in-class activities
    • Your own notes from out-of-class work on preps, labs, and projects
  3. Inside your cs343 folder, create a folder named labs.
    • Inside cs343/labs, create a folder named lab1
    • In future weeks, create folders named lab2, lab3, etc.


  1. Install VS Code (if you haven't already)
    • Open your cs343 folder in VS Code
  2. Install the Live Server extension