Jan 21: Introduction
Learning Objectives
After today's class, you should be able to:
- Explain the role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in web application development.
- Use developer tools to preview the mobile version of a website with throttling.
- Identify strengths an areas of improvement for a website from the community.
Lesson Outline¶
Welcome Back [10 min]
- Name tents; get to know other students at your table
- The Fallon Challenge 2025 (guest announcement)
Course Website [15 min]
- About the course, instructor, syllabus, calendar, etc.
- Question: what is one thing you are excited about?
Mini Lecture [10 min]
- 01_HTML-CSS-JS.pdf – courtesy Dr. Isaac Wang
Pair Activity [40 min]
- Critique the Web
- Demo of DevTools
Critique the Web¶
In this activity, you will critique a website of your choice.
Site List
- Massanutten Regional Library
- Magpie Diner
- Riner Rentals (or any property manager in town)
- On the Road Collaborative
- Harrisonburg Electric Company
- Cuban Burger
- Bella Luna
- Taste of India
- Next Level Martial Arts
- Friendly City Food Coop
- Harrisonburg Farmer's Market
- Any instructor at JMU who has a website
Part 1: Review¶
- Identify a partner.
- Each of you select a website from the list above.
- Open any editor you would like for taking notes. (Ex: VS Code, Word, Google Docs)
- Work quietly, individually for about five minutes to draft a critique of the website you chose.
Include at least these details:
- What is the URL of the website you chose?
- Tell about the site's visual style. What is pleasing to look at and interact with? What isn't pleasing? Be opinionated.
- Tell about the site's usability. Is anything broken? How are the pages organized? How does one navigate between pages?
- Take turns with your partner each sharing your critiques.
- Augment your critique with anything that comes to mind from discussing with your partner, or by adopting elements you thought were interesting from their critique.
Part 2: DevTools¶
Install Firefox if you don't have it already. We will use Firefox for this course. You can have some other browser too, like Chrome or Safari. But you need to use Firefox for the labs, project, etc.
Here's a short video that introduces the browser's developer tools. You will need these features for the last parts of your critique.
Augment your critique with the following:
- Compare the site between desktop and mobile browsers. How do the experiences compare?
- Open your browser's developer tools and reload the page with network throttling on. (If needed, search the web for how to do this.) How will visitors with low-speed internet fare?
Part 3: Present¶
Be ready to share your critiques with the rest of the class. As time permits, we will discuss your critiques today and Thursday.