CS 101: Introduction to Computer Science
James Madison University, Fall 2019 Semester

Lab05: Wireshark, mtr, web tools


We're going to try something new for this week's lab. Instead of having you read the instructions online and complete a plain text worksheet offline, we've integrated the instructions and the worksheet into a single document. We hope this change makes it easier for you to understand the material.

You will need a (free) PDF editor to complete the lab. We recommend using DocHub, because it runs online and saves your work as you type. But you could also use Adobe Reader or other tools if you have them installed. Just be sure whatever application you're using actually saves your work!

P.S. The old version of Lab05 is available here, if you're curious what it used to look like.


  1. Go to DocHub.com, sign up for a free account, and get logged in.

  2. From your Dashboard, click the "New" button and paste the URL:

  3. https://w3.cs.jmu.edu/cs101/unit05/Lab05-Networking.pdf
  4. Complete the lab worksheet on DocHub. You can use the Tab key to move from question to question. Don't forget to write your name!

  5. When finished, click the "Download / Export..." button on the upper right. Save the PDF on your computer, and then submit it to Canvas.