
The page contains a curated list of links that I find interesting or that I believe would be generally helpful to the general population.


  • CS Books Online - Links to a lot of computer science texts that are available online
  • ESV - My preferred version of the Christian Bible. Also, check out interlinear versions of the OT and NT.
  • IMSLP - Venerable online database of printed music scores, all available for download as PDFs.
  • Mendeley - Cloud-based system for bibliography and reference tracking. It has good mobile app support and exports to BibTex.
  • PCPartPicker - Great system for building machines from scratch and making sure that everything is compatible.
  • Overleaf - Cloud-based system for collaboratively authoring LaTeX documents. Sign up via this link and I get credit for the referral! :)

Downloadable Software

  • Git - My version control system of choice.
  • GNU Screen and tmux - Terminal multiplexers. They allow you to suspend and resume terminal sessions and access them from multiple machines. If you haven't used one before, you need to try it.
  • Vim and MacVim - My editors of choice.