Research Project


You must submit your project proposal as a 1-2 page PDF. I recommend using LaTeX to format your proposal; try using Overleaf for collaborating amongst your group. You must include the following sections:

  1. Team - List all team members.
  2. Goal - What is the goal of the project, and what will it contribute to the field of CS? Be as specific as you can. What problem(s) do you wish to address in your project? What work has already been done in the area, and how is what you'd like to do different? Cite sources where possible.
  3. Relevance - How is the project relevant to parallel and distributed systems? Which concepts and techniques from the course will you need to apply to complete your project? You may wish to look ahead at the course calendar to identify relevant topics.
  4. Methods - What exactly do you plan to do? Again, be as specific as possible. What (if any) software do you plan to modify? What (if any) software do you plan to write from scratch? What parallel technologies or languages do you plan to use? Cite sources where possible.
  5. Possible Roadblocks - What are the obstacles that you anticipate running into? Will your project require any special software or hardware? How do you plan to overcome these issues?
  6. Draft Deliverable - What do you plan to submit as your draft deliverable? What are the criteria or the rubric by which I should evaluate it? In particular, what should "significant" or "exceptional" progress look like for your project specifically?
  7. Showcase - How do you plan to present and/or demo your project at the showcase? Do you anticipate needing any special equipment besides a poster board?
  8. Final Deliverable - In addition to your report, what do you plan to submit as your final deliverable? What are the criteria or the rubrics by which I should evaluate it?

This deliverable will be graded according to the following rubric:

  • A - Exceptional: Clear, detailed responses to all of the above prompts -- no concerns
  • B - Good: Detailed responses to all of the above prompts, but I have some minor concerns
  • C - Satisfactory: Satisfactory responses to all or most of the above prompts, but I have at least one major concern
  • D - Deficient: Failure to satisfactorily address at least one of the above prompts -- intervention required
  • F - Unacceptable: Lack of a good-faith effort -- intervention required.

I would also suggest reading the final deliverable grading rubric as a guide to what I will be expecting for that submission.