Final Project


You must submit your project proposal as a 1-2 page PDF. I recommend using LaTeX to format your proposal; try using Overleaf for collaborating amongst your group. You must include the following sections:

  1. Team - List all team members.
  2. Software System - Provide the name and a short description of the system you intend to work with, and include a link to the original source (and if applicable, your own copy).
  3. Technologies - What technologies does your project use? What language(s) is it written in? How large is it? Is it distributed? What other aspects are relevant to CS 470?
  4. Progress - Have you gotten the project to compile and run? Have you convinced yourself that it is working correctly? Have you done any performance experiments yet? Describe any work completed so far.
  5. Roadblocks - What are the obstacles that you have run into (or anticipate running into)? What is your plan to overcome these obstacles?
  6. Insights and Contributions - Have you found any insights or made any contributions yet? If not, include some concrete ideas that you think might work out.

This deliverable will be graded according to the following rubric:

  • A - Exceptional: Clear, detailed responses to all of the above prompts -- no concerns.
  • B - Good: Detailed responses to all of the above prompts, but I have some minor concerns.
  • C - Satisfactory: Satisfactory responses to all or most of the above prompts, but I have at least one major concern.
  • D - Deficient: Failure to satisfactorily address at least one of the above prompts -- intervention required.
  • F - Unacceptable: Lack of a good-faith effort -- intervention required.

I would also suggest reading the final deliverable grading rubric as a guide to what I will be expecting for that submission. Although it may feel premature, I am also asking you to mock up a poster draft to go along with your proposal. Obviously, most elements will be placeholders at this point, but you should at least fill in a title and team member names and begin work on the background section.