Decaf Compiler
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAllocateSymbolsDataState/data for symbol allocation visitor
 CAnalysisErrorStatic analysis error structure
 CAssignmentNodeAST assignment structure
 CASTNodeMain AST node structure
 CAttributeAST attribute (basically a key-value store for nodes)
 CBinaryOpNodeAST binary operation expression structure
 CBlockNodeAST block structure
 CCallTargetInformation about call targets (i.e., functions)
 CCodeGenDataState/data for the code generator visitor
 CConditionalNodeAST conditional structure
 CErrorListLinked list of AnalysisError* elements
 CFuncCallNodeAST function call expression structure
 CFuncDeclNodeAST function structure
 CILOCInsnILOC instruction
 CILOCMachineILOC machine state structure
 CInsnListLinked list of ILOCInsn* elements
 CLiteralNodeAST literal expression structure
 CLocationNodeAST location expression structure
 CNodeListLinked list of struct ASTNode* elements
 CNodeVisitorNode visitor structure
 COperandILOC operand structure
 CParameterAST parameter (used in function declarations)
 CParameterListLinked list of struct Parameter* elements
 CProgramNodeAST root structure
 CReturnNodeAST return statement structure
 CSymbolSingle Decaf symbol
 CSymbolListLinked list of struct Symbol* elements
 CSymbolTableStores symbol info for a single lexical scope
 CTokenSingle token
 CTokenQueueLinked list of tokens
 CUnaryOpNodeAST unary operation expression structure
 CVarDeclNodeAST variable structure
 CWhileLoopNodeAST while loop structure