OO CSV Parser Lab


The purpose of this lab is to gain experience using objects in Ruby. You will be taking a solution to the CSV parsing assignment and converting it to a form similar to what will be required for the JSON assignment. Unlike other assignments in this class, it is ok to work on the code for this lab in teams or groups.

Part 1 - Conversion

  1. Download the reference solution for the CSV parsing assignment from Canvas. Read through it to see how it works, and run it to verify that it passes the included unit tests.
  2. Create a new CSVParser class. The original parse_CSV_file method should become the class constructor, and the parse_line method will become a helper instance method.
  3. In Ruby, you do not need to explicitly declare instance variables; you may simply use them. Instance variables are marked with an @ symbol. Change the CSVParser class to use two instance variables: delim and records. Both of these should be initialized in the constructor.
  4. Change parse_line so that it uses the @delim instance variable and no longer takes the delimiter as a parameter.
  5. Write a get_records method that retrieves the parsed CSV records.
  6. Write a new parse_CSV_file method outside the CSVParser class that implements the functionality required by the project spec, using an instance of the CSVParser class.
  7. Verify that all of the tests are still passing.

DFA Simulation

Download dfa.rb. This file contains two classes (State and DFA) for simulating deterministic finite automata (DFAs -- state machines). Most of the code has already been written, so read through it to understand how it works.

The State object stores information for DFA states, including a transition table stored as a Ruby Hash object. The DFA object stores an overall DFA, with a Ruby Hash of State objects indexed by ID.

Implement the accept? method in the DFA class. This method should simulate the DFA working on a string of input characters. It should return true if the DFA accepts the string, and false if it does not. When you have completed this method, all of the included tests should pass.

HINT: The accept? method should be very simple (only about 4-5 lines of code)! Think about what it means to "simulate" a DFA. You will need to simulate a state transition walk through the DFA, beginning at the start state, following state transitions until all input is consumed, and then checking to see if the ending state is final or not.