C Turtle Library


Download: turtle.h and turtle.c

This library provides a very simple C implementation of turtle graphics. Internally, the library stores raster pixel data in a simple array, tracking turtle location and drawing parameters. The library can export results to .bmp (bitmap) files, and can optionally export frames suitable for compilation into an animation.

Here is a simple example of how to use the library:

#include "turtle.h"

int main()
    turtle_init(300, 300);          // initialize the image to be 600x600


    turtle_save_bmp("output.bmp");  // save the turtle drawing

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Here is the output of the above code:

Turtle rendering

Students are highly encouraged to examine the source code for the library in turtle.c.

Function Reference

Initialization and cleanup:

  • void turtle_init(int width, int height);

    Initialize the 2d field that the turtle moves on. This must be called before any of the other functions in this library.
  • void turtle_cleanup();

    Clean up any memory used by the turtle graphics system. Call this at the end of the program to ensure there are no memory leaks.

Basic movement:

  • void turtle_forward(int pixels);

    Move the turtle forward, drawing a straight line if the pen is down.
  • void turtle_backward(int pixels);

    Move the turtle backward, drawing a straight line if the pen is down.
  • void turtle_turn_left(double angle);

    Turn the turtle to the left by the specified number of degrees.
  • void turtle_turn_right(double angle);

    Turn the turtle to the right by the specified number of degrees.
  • void turtle_goto(int x, int y);

    Move the turtle to the specified location, drawing a straight line if the pen is down. Takes integer coordinate parameters.
  • void turtle_goto_real(double x, double y);

    Move the turtle to the specified location, drawing a straight line if the pen is down. Takes real-numbered coordinate parameters, and is also used internally to implement forward and backward motion.

Status and drawing properties:

  • void turtle_reset();

    Reset the turtle's location, orientation, color, and pen status to the default values: center of the field (0,0), facing right (0 degrees), black, and down, respectively).
  • void turtle_backup();

    Creates a backup of the current turtle. Once you have a backup you can restore from a backup using turtle_restore(); This is useful in complex drawing situations.
  • void turtle_restore();

    Restores the turtle from the backup. Note that the behavior is undefined if you have not first called turtle_backup().
  • void turtle_pen_up();

    Set the pen status to "up" (do not draw).
  • void turtle_pen_down();

    Set the pen status to "down" (draw).
  • void turtle_begin_fill();

    Start filling. Call this before drawing a polygon to activate the bookkeeping required to run the filling algorithm later.
  • void turtle_end_fill();

    End filling. CAll this after drawing a polygon to trigger the fill algorithm. The filled polygon may have up to 128 sides.
  • void turtle_set_heading(double angle);

    Rotate the turtle to the given heading (in degrees). 0 degrees means facing to the right; 90 degrees means facing straight up.
  • void turtle_set_pen_color(int red, int green, int blue);

    Set the current drawing color. Each component (red, green, and blue) may be any value between 0 and 255 (inclusive). Black is (0,0,0) and white is (255,255,255).
  • void turtle_set_fill_color(int red, int green, int blue);

    Set the current filling color. Each component (red, green, and blue) may be any value between 0 and 255 (inclusive). Black is (0,0,0) and white is (255,255,255).


  • void turtle_dot();

    Draw a 1-pixel dot at the current location, regardless of pen status.
  • void turtle_draw_pixel(int x, int y);

    Draw a 1-pixel dot at the given location using the current draw color, regardless of current turtle location or pen status.
  • void turtle_fill_pixel(int x, int y);

    Draw a 1-pixel dot at the given location using the current fill color, regardless of current turtle location or pen status.
  • void turtle_draw_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);

    Draw a straight line between the given coordinates, regardless of current turtle location or pen status.
  • void turtle_draw_circle(int x, int y, int radius);

    Draw a circle at the given coordinates with the given radius, regardless of current turtle location or pen status.
  • void turtle_draw_turtle();

    Draws a turtle.


  • void turtle_save_bmp(const char *filename);

    Save current field to a .bmp file.
  • void turtle_begin_video(int pixels_per_frame);

    Enable video output. When enabled, periodic frame bitmaps will be saved with sequentially-ordered filenames matching the following pattern: "frameXXXX.bmp" (X is a digit). Frames are emitted after a regular number of pixels have been drawn; this number is set by the parameter to this function. Some experimentation may be required to find a optimal values for different shapes.
  • void turtle_save_frame();

    Emit a single video frame containing the current field image.
  • void turtle_end_video();

    Disable video output.