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Apr 30: Project Presentations


  • Sign up for a presentation time – see table below
    • Please finish 1 minute before next time slot
    • Be ready to plug in the projector HDMI cable
  • After class, submit the Group Evaluation Survey
    • Due by Wed 11:00pm (takes about 10 min)
    • Worth 40 points of your project grade!
  • Make sure your final code is pushed to GitHub

Today's Schedule

Time Slot Mayfield Rizvi
1 9:40 AM 12:48 PM
2 9:50 AM 12:57 PM
3 10:00 AM 1:06 PM
4 10:10 AM 1:15 PM
5 10:20 AM 1:24 PM
6 10:30 AM 1:33 PM
7 10:40 AM 1:42 PM
8 1:51 PM