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mysql Command Line


This material is optional.

The mysql command-line utility comes with MySQL Workbench. You can use this utility to automate various tasks, such as creating a database.

Step 1: Running mysql

Open a terminal and run the command mysql --version. If the command runs successfully, you should see the installed version number. If you get an error saying the command is not found, then you need to modify your system PATH.

  • On Linux, you might need to install the package:

    sudo apt install mysql-client-core-8.0

  • On macOS, add the following line to your ~/.zshrc file (or ~/.bash_profile if you have an older Mac from before 2021). Then quit and restart the Terminal app.

    export PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/

  • On Windows, search for env in the start menu and click "Edit the system environment variables." Then click the Environment Variables button, click "Path", and click "Edit…" Add the following path to the list:

    C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE\


You can also run mysql on, if the command doesn't work on your laptop.

Step 2: Connecting to

By default, mysql attempts to connect to localhost. Use the following command-line arguments to connect to our server.

mysql -h -u username -p

Alternatively, you can store these arguments in an option file. For example, you can add the following options to ~/my.cnf (on Linux and macOS):


After connecting:

  • Type USE username (replace with your username) to select your database.
  • Type SOURCE filename.sql (replace with your filename) to run a script.

Step 3: Official MySQL tutorial

Chapter 5 Tutorial of the MySQL documentation provides an excellent overview of this week's topics. In the remaining time, work through the tutorial, using the mysql client to run the examples.