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GP5: Working Prototype

Due: Monday, Nov 18th

Landing page template for a website
Image source:


In previous group project assignments, you have:

  • Designed a relational database (GP2)
  • Imported real/fake data for testing (GP3)
  • Created a user interface for CRUD (HW5)
  • Added routes for displaying views (GP4)

You now have the skills necessary to build your actual project.


This assignment revisits your original proposal from GP1. As a team, discuss how you'll bring that vision to life with your current knowledge. Plan in advance which routes and queries each team member will implement. At a minimum, the following elements must be included:

  1. Home Page

    • The root route should be the entry point to your final presentation. Rename your current index.jinja to test.jinja and add a new /test route for that template. Then create a new index.jinja to be the actual home page.
    • Add whatever features or links will take you to the different parts of your project. Feel free to add background information about the project and/or the team. You don't need to go overboard with the content or design of the home page.
  2. Features

    • Each team member should implement at least one feature (use case) of the app. For example, in the profs project, one feature is that a workshop leader can view their workshop and edit some of the fields.
    • Be creative in how you design the forms and display query results. Use charts whenever possible to make the app more visual and interactive. But again, you are not expected to spend significant time on web design.

At the end of GP5, your project should be about 80% complete. You will receive feedback from the instructor and another team in class next Tuesday. After that, you will have a few days before and after Thanksgiving break to make changes. Final presentations will be on the last day of class, Thursday Dec 5th.