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HW0: Getting Started

Due: Monday, Aug 26th

JMU fall colors
Image source: JMU X (10/28/2022)


Please complete the following steps to get started:

  1. Submit the Pre-Survey (if you haven't already).
  2. Read the Syllabus carefully, and get the zyBook.
  3. Read Chapter 1 of the zyBook (sections 1.1–1.5).
  4. Submit 1Pic1Par to introduce yourself to the class.

Choose your own adventure – review as needed:

  1. Python Cheatsheet (see links on left nav).
  2. Learn Python in Y minutes (all on one page).


Note: There is no "HW0" assignment on Canvas.

Only the Pre-Survey and 1Pic1Par need to be submitted.