Lab 10 - Card Creator

Make greeting cards to send to your friends (or enemies)!

Greeting Cards

In this (two-part) lab, you will write a tiny app to create greeting cards that you can send to your friends, family, and more! You will need the knowledge you’ve built in the past two preps (forms and localStorage).

For this lab, you will submit the assignment individually (but feel free to collaborate with others) via GitHub Classroom.

Getting Started

  1. Accept the assignment in GitHub Classroom using your instructor-provided link (in Canvas)
  2. Clone the newly-created repository on your computer
  3. Open the repository folder in VS Code
  4. Look over the provided code to get a feel for what it does and where you need to add your own

Creating the Form

We’ve provided the code and styles for the “preview” area of the page, but you’ll need to create a form and provide the functionality for a user to specify what their card’s title, message, to, from, etc. should be. Follow the image and the instructions below:

In card-creator.html:

  1. Create an HTML form inside the form-area
    • Give the form the class card-form
  2. You will need four text inputs and a textarea, each with its own label
    • Put each group of label plus input in its own div
      • Give this div a class of form-group
    • Make sure to include placeholder text
    • You’ll want to make sure each element has a name and id
  3. Add buttons at the end of the form
    • Put them inside a div with the class form-buttons
    • The preview button should have type="button"
    • The save button should have type="submit"
    • Make sure they have ids, so you can access them easier in a script

Adding the Functionality

In the script.js file, write some JavaScript to do the following:

  1. When the “preview” button is clicked, you should set the text in all the appropriate spans to the value of the corresponding control in the form.
  2. When the “save” button is clicked, you should add the card to an array and save the array of cards to localStorage:
    • You should start by loading the existing array from localStorage with the key cards

      • If there doesn’t exist an entry with the key, create a new array and assign it to a variable
      • If there does exist an entry with the key, you should parse it and assign it to a variable
    • Create a new JavaScript object (aka map/dictionary) to represent the current card

      • It should have five properties: to, from, title, subtitle, and message
      • The properties should be set to the corresponding value from the form
    • Add the new object to the end of the array

    • Store the array in localStorage to the entry with the key cards, overwriting any existing entry

      • Don’t forget: localStorage only lets you store strings, so you’ll need to “stringify” the array!
    • Saving multiple cards should result in an array containing all the cards. You can use the developer console in Chrome/Edge and Firefox to check if you’re doing this correctly:


Commit and push your code to GitHub.