Setting Up Your Development Environment

Prerequisites to many in- and out-of-class activities.

There’s a lot to install and setup. In total it may take close to an hour.


  1. Create a directory (i.e. a “folder”) somewhere on your computer for this course, perhaps you’d call it cs343.
  2. Inside your cs343 directory, create a directory called notes.
    • this would be a great place to put:
      • the class’s slides if you download them
      • your own notes from the in-class mini-lectures
      • your own notes from your out-of-class time working on the preps, labs, and projects
  3. Inside your cs343 directory, create a directory called dev
    • all the code you write for this course should go in your dev directory, ideally in a subdirectory of dev named for the thing you’re working on


  1. Install Firefox if you don’t have it already (ensure you have at least 2 browsers installed).
  2. No, really. We’re serious about this. You can have some other browser too, but Dr. Stewart will absolutely harp on about how in general he’s relatively agnostic about most tools, but he will hassle you incessantly about this one. 🤷‍♂️
  3. For whatever browsers, install extensions:
    1. a userscripts extension like ViolentMonkey
    2. an accessibility checker extension like WebAIM’s WAVE
    3. add a bookmark(let) for the validator
    4. this HTML validator


  1. Install VSCode:
    • Windows folks:
      • Ensure if you’re asked by the install wizard, that you enable/select the following:
        • Explorer context menu
        • Add to PATH
    • Everyone else: Visual Studio Code
  2. Install these vscode extensions:
    1. HTML Validate Extension
    2. Live Server
    3. Live Share Extension
    4. Remote Development extension pack
  3. Make sure code is available from command line (“CLI”):
    1. Windows: the installer should have done it, try opening Windows Terminal or PowerShell or whatever and just type code and hit enter.
    2. MacOS
    3. Linux: the installer should have added it to your path already, try it in your shell


If you don’t already have git installed (it’s installed by default on macOS and some linux distros), install it (and make sure it’s added to path where you can use the git command from the CLI).


The git install wizard defaults are probably fine, but if you happen to notice this, consider answering a few of the steps as follows:

Default editor:
Git Pull something:
Extra Options:
✅ enable symlinks

(On Windows) Ensure that once you install git, you have git bash, and that in git bash you have curl. This post may help if you don’t have curl on Windows.

Not Windows

Probably you already have git installed, try it in your shell by opening a terminal and running git

Configuring Git (all OSes)

  1. Open a terminal
    • Windows: open git bash
    • mac or linux open a terminal
  2. run the 2 commands found at the following link, but:
    1. don’t type the $ that’s at the beginning and
    2. change the placeholder values for real ones
      • note: the username and email you set do not have to match things github already knows about
    3. ok, here’s the link - Git::First-Time Setup:YourIdentity

GUI for Accessing Files Remotely

  1. Install Filezilla

GUI for Git

  1. Git is so powerful and perhaps you’ll love it one day. In the early days, you should have a good GUI to get your back (if you’re on linux, I think it’s not available. sorry.)
  2. Maybe everyone, but definitely Windows folks should Install the GitHub Desktop app.