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Information about CS 343


1 - Setting Up Your Development Environment

Prerequisites to many in- and out-of-class activities.

There’s a lot to install and setup. In total it may take close to an hour.


  1. Create a directory (i.e. a “folder”) somewhere on your computer for this course, perhaps you’d call it cs343.
  2. Inside your cs343 directory, create a directory called notes.
    • this would be a great place to put:
      • the class’s slides if you download them
      • your own notes from the in-class mini-lectures
      • your own notes from your out-of-class time working on the preps, labs, and projects
  3. Inside your cs343 directory, create a directory called dev
    • all the code you write for this course should go in your dev directory, ideally in a subdirectory of dev named for the thing you’re working on


  1. Install Firefox if you don’t have it already (ensure you have at least 2 browsers installed).
  2. No, really. We’re serious about this. You can have some other browser too, but Dr. Stewart will absolutely harp on about how in general he’s relatively agnostic about most tools, but he will hassle you incessantly about this one. 🤷‍♂️
  3. For whatever browsers, install extensions:
    1. a userscripts extension like ViolentMonkey
    2. an accessibility checker extension like WebAIM’s WAVE
    3. add a bookmark(let) for the validator
    4. this HTML validator


  1. Install VSCode:
    • Windows folks:
      • Ensure if you’re asked by the install wizard, that you enable/select the following:
        • Explorer context menu
        • Add to PATH
    • Everyone else: Visual Studio Code
  2. Install these vscode extensions:
    1. HTML Validate Extension
    2. Live Server
    3. Live Share Extension
    4. Remote Development extension pack
  3. Make sure code is available from command line (“CLI”):
    1. Windows: the installer should have done it, try opening Windows Terminal or PowerShell or whatever and just type code and hit enter.
    2. MacOS
    3. Linux: the installer should have added it to your path already, try it in your shell


If you don’t already have git installed (it’s installed by default on macOS and some linux distros), install it (and make sure it’s added to path where you can use the git command from the CLI).


The git install wizard defaults are probably fine, but if you happen to notice this, consider answering a few of the steps as follows:

Default editor:
Git Pull something:
Extra Options:
✅ enable symlinks

(On Windows) Ensure that once you install git, you have git bash, and that in git bash you have curl. This post may help if you don’t have curl on Windows.

Not Windows

Probably you already have git installed, try it in your shell by opening a terminal and running git

Configuring Git (all OSes)

  1. Open a terminal
    • Windows: open git bash
    • mac or linux open a terminal
  2. run the 2 commands found at the following link, but:
    1. don’t type the $ that’s at the beginning and
    2. change the placeholder values for real ones
      • note: the username and email you set do not have to match things github already knows about
    3. ok, here’s the link - Git::First-Time Setup:YourIdentity

GUI for Accessing Files Remotely

  1. Install Filezilla

GUI for Git

  1. Git is so powerful and perhaps you’ll love it one day. In the early days, you should have a good GUI to get your back (if you’re on linux, I think it’s not available. sorry.)
  2. Maybe everyone, but definitely Windows folks should Install the GitHub Desktop app.

2 - Setting Up Your Development Environment - Windows

Prerequisites to many in- and out-of-class activities, specifically for students running Windows.

Random Windows Tools


  1. Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is great for streaming or screen recording.
  2. Clipboard history
    • omfg, i can’t believe it’s finally built in now y’all. Back in my day we had to trust a third party for this, y’all don’t know how good you have it!


So in the video I mentioned some hotkeys… here’s the ones I mentioned there or that I remembered later to add to this list after using them in class.

Open Explorer (a file/folder browsing jobber)
Put caret in address bar (keeping hands on the keys, focus the address bar of the currently focused app, e.g. the aforementioned Windows Explorer, Firefox, etc.)
Show the Desktop
Open Task Manager
Switch between open windows

3 - Firefox DevTools

A curated selection of the Firefox DevTools documentation.


Most browsers (Firefox, and the lessers too) have some built-in tools to support web developers. Firefox’s are called “DevTools” and they’re pretty great. The most comprehensive documentation for Firefox’s DevTools is in the MDN’s What are browser developer tools?.

Configuring DevTools

The default settings are pretty good, but you may want to make a few of the changes I use.

screenshot showing where to find the devtools settings
to find the devtools settings, have the devtools open (e.g. via right clicking in the browser and choosing Inspect), and then click the ellipsis (`...`), and then choose Settings


Sometimes it can be helpful to see the dimensions of the viewport.

screenshot of the devtools settings for rulers
I configure the devtools to have a button so that I can easily toggle these rulers on and off (annoyingly, they don't remember to stay on if the page refreshes as it might if I'm developing locally and using e.g. the Live Server extension).

HTTP Cache

Some of the code we write in developing for the clientside could be cached by the browser. Generally, that’s great, but when we’re actively working on a page and the browser stops showing us the most up-to-date view of it, it can be confounding.

screenshot of the devtools settings for disabling caching
Tell the DevTools to disable caching when they're open.

Responsive Design Mode

Firefox’s DevTools have a great Responsive Design Mode that facilitates you in testing how your page will look on different devices (e.g. with different known viewport sizes, network speeds, etc.).

4 - Usual Start for Coding Activities

For pretty much every coding activity in this course, you need to begin the same way.


People organize their files and information in different ways. Some folks haven’t adopted any organization strategies because they don’t know how, or haven’t previously had the need. Now’s the time, you got this!

Create a Directory

  1. in your dev directory create a subdirectory for the activity you’re beginning.
    • in case you end up needing to work with this directory on the command line, you may find it simpler if you exclude capital letters, spaces, and special characters from the subdirectory name.
  2. open your newly created subdirectory named for the activity you’re beginning in vscode.
    • NOTE: VSCode can become as complicated as you’re interested in making it. You can have like your whole hard drive open in the files sidebar of VSCode, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Even if you have other instances of vscode open for referencing past work or whatever, consider have 1 window of vscode in which you open only the top level directory of the current activity,

5 - Additional WebDev Resources

I can haz MOAR WebDev pls?

FunWebDev 3rd ed.

Some of the book’s linked resources may be found also on github:


  1. Dr. Kirkpatrick has some nifty short demos/exercises
    1. try the "select module" and subsequently "select exercise" buttons
  2. MDN's Learn web development 🔥
  3. Codecademy's HTML: Codecademy has some really good resources, many of the intro web courses are $FR.EE 🤑


  1. Dr. Kirkpatrick has some nifty short demos/exercises
    1. try the "select module" and subsequently "select exercise" buttons
  2. Codecademy's CSS
  3. specificity
    1. CSS Tricks on Specificity
    2. MDN: Specificity
    3. ⚔️ Specificity Wars
    4. Specificity Calculator
  4. Practice your CSS Selectors with CSS Diner
  5. Practice Flexbox with Flexbox Froggy
  6. Practice justify vs align in flexbox with Flexercise the Stevens
    1. y'allllll this thing needs work, wasn't great when I ripped off Dr. Johnson in the first place 😅, and hasn't aged gracefully. pull requests welcome 😆
  7. CSS Tricks's nice visual guide to flexbox
  8. CSS Tricks's nice visual guide to CSS Grid


  1. Dr. Kirkpatrick has some nifty short demos/exercises
    1. try the "select module" and subsequently "select exercise" buttons
  2. Codecademy back at it again with Javascript
  3. CodingBatJS
  4. JS Challenger

Design and Style

  1. Color Palettes

Accessibility (“a11y”)

  1. You'll never guess who I link first!
  2. Color Contrast Checker
    1. Checking that text color has sufficient contrast from the background color
    2. Checking that (hyper)link ("anchor") color has sufficient contrast from non-link text color


  1. Dr. Kirkpatrick has some nifty short demos/exercises
    1. try the "select module" and subsequently "select exercise" buttons
  2. What happens when... - an attempt to answer the age-old interview question What happens when you type into your browser's address box and press enter?
  3. Dr. Chris Johnson may be annoyed with me, but the first 1/3  ("Content and Style") of this short "e-book" he put together is also helpful for our course
  4. can be useful for sharing short samples/examples to test your understanding or to ask for help figuring out a bug
  5. "MPJ" (Mattias Peter Johansson) one of very few "celebrities" I like. 🚨Head's up: he makes use of expletives on occasion
    1. FunFunFunction (his youtube channel account's ) content is all around great!
    2. Specifically, for the most precisely relevant content to topics in our class, I can recommend:
      1. var, let, const
      2. arrow functions
      3. destructuring
      4. Object creation in JS (list)
        1. bind and this shows: some of the strangeness of scope in js (By default this is bound to the scope where a function is called, not where it was defined 😱.)
        2. Examples of bind and this: shows more of the same ^
        3. the rest of the object creation list is sort of beyond scope for our course
      5. Functional Programming in JS (list)
        1. videos 1-4 might be useful reviews of things related to the built-in array functions like map and reduce.
        2. video 8 on Promises will be relevant to the topics we will cover on asynchronous execution and interacting with (3rd-party) APIs
        3. the 9th video (labeled "Functors - FunFunFunction #10") onward in this list are beyond the scope of our course