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HW2: Duke-n-Donuts v2


Learning Objectives

  • Identify the difference between static and non-static members.
  • Develop a small library that can be used to support unit testing.
  • Compare variables and analyze the impact of their data types on comparisons.


Before proceeding with this assignment, open Checkstyle.xml in the CS159/.vscode folder in VS Code and replace line 146 with the following statement:



The former JMU students that opened Duke-n-Donuts have decided to sell other products (e.g., cookies, cupcakes) and this has made them realize that their original design for the pricing system was bad. In particular, they realize that if they were to continue with the current design they would need to have a utility class for each product (e.g., a DonutPricer, a CookiePricer, a CupcakePricer, etc.), and that each of these classes would be very similar (and, hence, contain duplicate code). So, they have changed the design so that they can have an object for each product rather than a utility class for each product.

For example, with the old design, if Duke-n-Donuts sold donuts and cookies they would need two almost identical utility classes and would use them as follows:

  double total;
  total = DonutPricer.priceFor(6) + CookiePricer.priceFor(50);

With the new design they will need only one class and will use it as follows:

  double total;
  Pricer donuts, cookies;
  donuts = new Pricer(12, 9.99, 0.99);
  cookies = new Pricer(36, 17.99, 0.75);
  total = donuts.priceFor(6) + cookies.priceFor(50);

The Classes to be Written

You must write a "normal" class named Pricer and a utility class named Test. The Pricer class is specific to stores like Duke-n-Donuts. The Test class can be used to test classes that are written for many different kinds of products.

The Pricer Class

A Pricer object can be used to price any item that can be sold individually or in boxes.

The UML Class Diagram

The following UML class diagram provides an overview of the attributes and methods in this class (which must be in the default package).

Class Diagram

Notice that there are several important differences between this "normal" class and the utility class from the previous assignment.

  • All of the attributes are now non-static and, so, belong to individual objects in the class rather than the class itself.
  • The attributes are now initialized in an explicit value constructor.
  • The methods are now non-static and, so, make use of the non-static attributes (that have different values for each object in the class).

Detailed Design Specifications

  1. The constructor must initialize the attributes of the object.
  2. The other methods must conform to the specifications for the DonutPricer class, but must work for anything that can be sold in boxes or individually (not just donuts).

Note that the official tests for the DonutPricer class did not necessarily test that your submission satisfied all of the specifications. So, you may think your code was correct when it wasn't. Make sure you read all of the specifications for this assignment.

The Test Class

The Test class is a utility class that can be used to simplify the process of testing other classes. Such a system is sometimes referred to as a test harness or a testing framework. This class must conform to the course style guide (because it is not a test, it is a test harness.)

The UML Class Diagram

The following UML class diagram provides an overview of this class (which must be in the default package).

Class Diagram

Detailed Design Specifications

In addition to the specifications contained in the UML class diagram, this class must conform to the following specifications.

  1. forEqualDoubles() must check to determine if the attributes expected and actual differ by more than the tolerance.
    1. If so, it must return false and print the values of description, expected, and actual (in that order) using the format String "%s Expected: %f, Actual: %f\n".
    2. If not, it must return true (and not print anything).
  2. forEqualInts() must check to determine if the attributes expected and actual differ.
    1. If so, it must return false and print the values of description, expected, and actual (in that order) using the format String "%s Expected: %d, Actual: %d\n".
    2. If not, it must return true (and not print anything).
  3. forEqualStrings() must check to determine if the attributes expected and actual differ.
    1. If so, it must return false and print the values of description, expected, and actual (in that order) using the format String "%s Expected: %s, Actual: %s\n".
    2. If not, it must return true (and not print anything).
  4. forFalse() must check to determine if the attribute named actual is false
    1. If so, it must return true (and not print anything).
    2. If not, it must return false and print the description using the format String "%s Expected: false, Actual: true\n".
  5. forTrue() must check to determine if the attribute named actual is true
    1. If so, it must return true (and not print anything).
    2. If not, it must return false and print the description using the format String "%s Expected: true, Actual: false\n".

For example, one might implement the forEqualInts() method as follows:

     * Display an alert if the actual int value is not equal to the
     * expected value.
     * @param expected     The expected value
     * @param actual       The actual value
     * @param description  A description of the test
     * @return true if the two are equal; false otherwise
    public static boolean forEqualInts(int expected, int actual,
            String description) {
        if (expected != actual) {
            System.out.printf("%s Expected: %d, Actual: %d\n",
                    description, expected, actual);
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

An Existing Class

A main class (i.e., a class with a main() method) that you can use to test the Pricer class has already been written. It is named PricerTest and the source code (i.e., the .java file) is available at:


Unlike the DonutPricerTest class from the previous assignment, this class makes use of the Test class that you have to write. So, you will not be able to test your Pricer class until you write the Test class.

Like the DonutPricerTest class, this class does not conform to the style guide. As mentioned before, most organizations (including most faculty in the Computer Science Department at JMU) do not require that tests conform to the style guide.


You must submit (using Gradescope):

  1. Your implementation of the Pricer class and your implementation of the Test class. Do not include the PricerTest class.

There is no limit on the number of submissions. Note that your submission will not be graded if it does not comply with the specifications. So, your submission should include a stubbed-out version of all of the classes. (This will allow you to get credit for the classes/methods that you do implement correctly.)


Your code will first be graded by Gradescope and then by the Professor. The grade you receive from Gradescope is the maximum grade that you can receive on the assignment

Gradescope Grading

Your code must compile (in Gradescope, this will be indicated in the section on "Does your code compile?") and all class names and method signatures must comply with the specifications (in Gradescope, this will be indicated in the section on "Do your class names, method signatures, etc. comply with the specifications?") for you to receive any points on this assignment. Gradescope will then grade your submission as follows:

Criterion Points Details
Conformance to the Style Guide 20 points (Partial Credit Possible)
Correctness 80 points (Partial Credit Possible)

Gradescope will provide you with hints, but may not completely identify the defects in your submission.

Manual Grading

After the due date, the Professor may manually review your code. At this time, points may be deducted for inelegant code, inappropriate variable names, bad comments, etc.

Since nobody will be looking over your shoulder, you can use any process that you would like to use. However, it is strongly recommended that you use the process described here.

Get Started

  1. Read and understand the entire assignment.
  2. Create a folder for this assignment named hw2 (under src/hws).
  3. Download to a directory outside of your CS159 folder (e.g., the downloads directory for this course).

Understand the Test Cases

  1. Read and understand the test cases in
  2. By hand (i.e., using pencil and paper), calculate the expected answer for each of the test cases in

Copy and Rename

  1. Copy from the folder named hw1 to the folder named hw2.
  2. In VS code, rename to (Hint: Right-click on the file name and select [Rename…].)

Make a "Normal" Class

  1. Delete the initialization of all of the attributes (and save the file).
  2. Understand why this generated several syntax errors.
  3. Remove the final modifier from all of the attributes (and save the file).
  4. Understand why this resolved the syntax errors.
  5. Make all of the attributes non-static (i.e., remove the static modifiers).
  6. Understand why this generated several style errors.
  7. Understand why this also generated several syntax errors in the methods that follow.
  8. Rename the attributes (and save the file). (Hint: Highlight the attribute identifier, right-click on the highlighted identifier, pull down to [Refactor], and then across to [Rename…], type the new identifier, and press [Enter]. Notice that this changes the identifier everywhere in the class.)
  9. Understand why this resolved the style errors.
  10. Remove the static modifier from all of the methods (and save the file).
  11. Understand why this resolved the syntax errors.
  12. Write the explicit value constructor.

Stub-Out the Test Class

  1. Create a version of the Test class that contains all of the methods (with appropriate signatures), each of which should return false.
  2. Add the "javadoc" comments to the Test class and the methods in it.
  3. Check the style of the Test class and make any necessary corrections.

Add to the hw2 folder

  1. Add to the hw2 folder.
  2. Make sure there are no compile-time errors in If there are, you probably need to fix the stubbed-out version of (since there should be no syntax errors in

Implement the Test Class

  1. Add the forEqualInts() method. (Hint: See the example above.)
  2. Add the forEqualStrings() method. (Hint: Be careful about how you compare String objects.)
  3. Add the forEqualDoubles() method. (Hint: You should probably use the static abs() method in the Math class.)
  4. Add the other methods.

Test and Debug the Pricer Class

  1. Run PricerTest.
  2. If there is any output it means that your code failed a test. Starting with the first failure, debug the relevant method in the Pricer class using the process we discussed.
  3. Re-run PricerTest and repeat as necessary.

Questions to Think About

You don't have to submit your answers to these questions, but you should try to answer them because they will help you determine whether or not you understand some of the important concepts covered in this assignment.

  1. Notice that the PricerTest class now uses an array for the input values and uses a loop to run all of the test. Why is this better than the approach used in the previous assignment?
  2. How could you change the PricerTest class so that it keeps a count of the number of failed tests (and reports that number)?
  3. What compile-time errors are generated in the Pricer class if you make the attributes in it static? Why?
  4. Why does the PricerTest class test the dounutPricer again after testing the cookiePricer? In other words, what defects might this re-test identify? (Hint: Think about your answer to the previous question.)
  5. Why would it be nice to be able to overload methods in the Test class?