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Welcome to CS 159

This website provides shared content for all sections of the course.


Section Days & Times Classroom Linux Lab Instructor
1 MWF 8:00–8:50 EnGeo 2209 EnGeo 2204 Prof. Weikle
2 MWF 9:10–10:00 EnGeo 2209 EnGeo 2204 Prof. Weikle
3 MWF 9:10–10:00 King 248 King 248 Prof. Chao
4 MWF 10:20–11:10 King 248 King 248 Prof. Chao
5 MWF 1:50–2:40 EnGeo 2209 EnGeo 2209 Prof. Mayfield
6 MWF 3:00–3:50 EnGeo 2209 EnGeo 2209 Prof. Mayfield
7 TuTh 12:45–2:00 King 143 King 248 Prof. Duan
8 TuTh 2:20–3:35 King 260 King 248 Prof. Shrestha