Programming Assignments

2-week Assignments

Project 1 - Shortcut Scrabble

Due Feb 3 - Shortcut Scrabble is a simplified version of Scrabble…

Project 2 - Accessibility Assessments Analysis

Due Feb 17 - Analyzing the ability of automated accessibility checkers to detect problems on websites.

Project 3 - Violet's Vending Venture

Due Mar 3 - Simulate business decisions for your friend Violet’s Vending Venture.

Project 4 - Absolutely Seriously Totally Ecstatically Really Outrageously Incredibly Dope Spacerocks (not Asteroids ®️)

Due Apr 14 - Implement a classic game of space rocks.

Project 5 - People in Purple Extra Terrestrial Locator

Due Apr 28 - The People in Purple ® Extraterrestrial Locator.

Last modified May 1, 2023: student-sourced updates (1f18b77)