Final Exam - Coding Practice

Problem 1 (18 points): Spell

boolean canISpell(int start, String candidates, String target)

Write method canISpell(int start, String candidates, String target) for this provided Spell class (DOWNLOAD IT HERE) . Given a String candidates and an int start, is it possible to choose a group of some of the characters in candidates (from position start onward), such that the group of characters can be concatenated to form the given target word? The caller can specify the whole String simply by passing in 0 for start. No loops are needed (and they will receive no points) – you must write a recursive solution. Return false if any String parameter is null, or if start is out of bounds.

canISpell(0, "qwertyuiop", "try") → true
canISpell(0, "qwertyuiop", "pie") → true
canISpell(0, "qwertyuiop", "quick") → false
canISpell(0, "qwertyuiop", "quit") → true
canISpell(1, "qwertyuiop", "quit") → false

Problem 2 - Forestry Management

Download the provided classes, and . Implement the methods as described in and submit only DO NOT change

Last modified April 30, 2022: practice coding exam (a2ce8c8)