CS 101: Introduction to Computer Science
James Madison University, Fall 2022 Semester

Lab06: Introduction to Python


This will be a fun and exciting adventure. Some of you will be writing your first computer programs, and others will be programming in Python for the first time. Either way, we hope you'll enjoy this lab!

Before starting the lab, complete modules 1 through 3 of the exercises.

  1. Work through the Hour of Code by Trinket.io. For best results, make your browser window full-screen (as shown above). You should be able to see the source code and the running program at the same time.

  2. Complete the open-ended exercise at the end named "A Picture with Tina and Tommy". Your program must include the following elements:

    1. Use the functions: forward, backward, right, left
    2. Use the functions: penup, pendown, goto, write
    3. Use the functions: circle, begin_fill, end_fill
    4. Write at least one list and one for loop
    5. Write at least one if/else statement
    6. Write and call at least one function

    Note: You can also develope your program in the Thonny IDE.
  3. Refer to the Documentation for turtle for more ideas. Be creative!

  4. Copy and paste your code in a file named Lab06.py. Write your name on the first line of the file in a comment (e.g., # Your Name). Make sure you can run the entire program offline, do this using the Thonny IDE. Open your Lab06.py with Thonny and run within Thonny. This is how we will be executing your program for grading

  5. Submit your Lab06.py via Canvas. Remembers labs are due Friday at 5pm.