A Programming Pattern

Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University

Computer Science Department

Motivation (cont.)

Visualization of an Example Array

Visualization of an Example Array of Arrays

Thinking About the Problem
The Pattern
Using an Array
javaexamples/programmingpatterns/ (Fragment: 0)
     * Calculate the average of the elements of the data array that
     * are in a neighborhood (of a given size) of a particular element.
     * @param data  The data array
     * @param index The element in the middle of the neighborhood
     * @param size  The size of the neighborhood (which must be odd)
     * @return The average
    public double naverage(double[] data, int index, int size) {
        double total;
        int    start, stop;

        start = index - size / 2;
        stop  = index + size / 2; // Equivalently: stop = start + size - 1
        total = 0.0;
        for (int i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
            total += data[i];
        return total / (double) size;
Examples (cont.)
Using an Array of Arrays
javaexamples/programmingpatterns/ (Fragment: 1)
     * Calculate the average of the elements of the data matrix that
     * are in a square neighborhood (of a given size) of a particular
     * element.
     * @param data  The data array
     * @param row   The row of the element in the center of the neighborhood
     * @param col   The column of the element in the center of the neighborhood
     * @param size  The size of the neighborhood (which must be odd)
     * @return The average
    public double naverage(double[][] data, int row, int col, int size) {
        double total;
        int    cstart, cstop, rstart, rstop;

        rstart = row - size / 2;
        rstop  = row + size / 2;
        cstart = col - size / 2;
        cstop  = col + size / 2;

        total = 0.0;
        for (int r = rstart; r <= rstop; r++) {
            for (int c = cstart; c <= cstop; c++) {
                total += data[r][c];
        return total / (double) (size * size);
Examples (cont.)
Using an Array of Arrays - Ignoring the Center Element
javaexamples/programmingpatterns/ (Fragment: 3)
     * Calculate the average of the elements of the data matrix that
     * are in a square neighborhood (of a given size) of a particular
     * element excluding the element at the center of the neighborhood.
     * @param data  The data array
     * @param row   The row of the element in the center of the neighborhood
     * @param col   The column of the element in the center of the neighborhood
     * @param size  The size of the neighborhood (which must be odd)
     * @return The average
    public double xnaverage(double[][] data, int row, int col, int size) {
        double total;
        int    cstart, cstop, rstart, rstop;

        rstart = row - size / 2;
        rstop  = row + size / 2;
        cstart = col - size / 2;
        cstop  = col + size / 2;

        total = 0.0;
        for (int r = rstart; r <= rstop; r++) {
            for (int c = cstart; c <= cstop; c++) {
                if ((row != r) || (col != c)) {
                    total += data[r][c];
        return total / (double) (size * size - 1.0);
Examples (cont.)
Using an Array of Arrays - A Plus-Sign-Shaped Neighborhood
javaexamples/programmingpatterns/ (Fragment: 2)
     * Calculate the average of the elements of the data matrix that
     * are in a plus-sign-shaped neighborhood (of a given size) of a
     * particular element.
     * @param data  The data array
     * @param row   The row of the element in the center of the neighborhood
     * @param col   The column of the element in the center of the neighborhood
     * @param size  The size of the neighborhood (which must be odd)
     * @return The average
    public double paverage(double[][] data, int row, int col, int size) {
        double total;
        int    count, cstart, cstop, rstart, rstop;

        rstart = row - size / 2;
        rstop  = row + size / 2;
        cstart = col - size / 2;
        cstop  = col + size / 2;

        total = 0.0;
        count = 0;        
        for (int r = rstart; r <= rstop; r++) {
            total += data[r][col];

        for (int c = cstart; c <= cstop; c++) {
            total += data[row][c];

        // Eliminate the double counting
        total -= data[row][col];
        return total / (double) count;