Design Patterns
An Introduction for Beginning Programmers

Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University

Computer Science Department

Software Design Patterns
Software Design Patterns (cont.)
The Purpose(s) of this Presentation
Singleton Pattern - Motivation
Singleton Pattern - The Traditional Approach


Singleton Pattern - An Example
A FileViewer
javaexamples/singleton/v1/ (Fragment: skeleton)

 * A Frame that is used to view the contents of a file
 * This class  uses the Singleton pattern 
 * to ensure that there is only one
 * instance at any point in time.
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public class FileViewer

    private static boolean      exists = false;
    private static FileViewer   instance;

     * Construct a new FileViewer
     * Note: This method is private and used only internally
    private FileViewer()

        exists = true;


javaexamples/singleton/v1/ (Fragment: createInstance)
     * Construct a new FileViewer (if one doesn't exist)
     * or return the existing instance
    public static FileViewer createInstance()
       if (!exists) instance = new FileViewer(); // exists will become true
       return instance;

Singleton Pattern - An Example (cont.)
Using a FileViewer
javaexamples/singleton/v1/ (Fragment: valueChanged)
     * Handle valueChanged events 
     * (required by ListSelectionListener)
     * @param lse   The ListSelectionEvent to handle
    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse)
        FileViewer   fv;
        String       fn;

        fn = (String)list.getSelectedValue();

        fv = FileViewer.createInstance();
Iterator - Motivation
Iterator - Motivation (cont.)

Looping Over an Array

javaexamples/iterator/ (Fragment: 1)
       String    city;

       for (int i=0; i < cities.length; i++)
          city = cities[i];

Looping Over a Vector

javaexamples/iterator/ (Fragment: 1)
       String    city;

       for (int i=0; i < cities.size(); i++)
          city = (String)cities.elementAt(i);
Iterator - The Traditional Approach


Iterator - Examples in Java
Model-View-Controller - Motivation
M-V-C - The Traditional Approach
M-V-C - An Example
M-V-C - An Example: (cont.)

Handling an arrowkeyPressed Event

M-V-C - An Example: (cont.)

Handling a mouseUp Event

M-V-C - An Example: (cont.)

Handling a characterKeyPressed Event

M-V-C - Concrete Examples

Creating an Integer Entry Field

        package mvc;

import javax.swing.text.*;

 * A Document that can only contain integer values
 * Note: In order to be simple and clear, this implementation
 * does not support numbers with a leading '+' and will not allow
 * the document to contain only a '-'.
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public class IntegerDocument extends PlainDocument

     * Check to see if an insertString() will result in an Integer or
     * not.
     * @param  offset  The starting offset
     * @param  text    The string to insert
     * @return         true if OK; false otherwise
    public boolean checkInsert(int offset, String text)
       boolean      result;       
       String       newText;
          newText = super.getText(0, offset) + text + 
             super.getText(offset, getLength()-offset);

          result = true;
       catch (Exception e)
          result = false;

       return result;       

     * Check to see if a remove() will result in an Integer or not.
     * @param  offset  The starting offset
     * @param  length  The length to remove
     * @return         true if OK; false otherwise
    public boolean checkRemove(int offset, int remove)
       boolean      result;       
       String       newText;
          newText = super.getText(0, offset) + 
             super.getText(offset+remove, getLength()-offset-remove);

          if (!newText.equals("")) Integer.parseInt(newText);
          result = true;
       catch (Exception e)
          result = false;

       return result;       

     * Check to see if a replace() will result in an Integer or
     * not.
     * @param  offset  The starting offset
     * @param  length  The length to remove
     * @param  text    The string to insert
     * @return         true if OK; false otherwise
    public boolean checkReplace(int offset, int remove, String text)
       boolean      result;       
       String       newText;
          newText = super.getText(0, offset) + text + 
             super.getText(offset+remove, getLength()-offset-remove);

          if (!newText.equals("")) Integer.parseInt(newText);
          result = true;
       catch (Exception e)
          result = false;

       return result;       

     * Inserts content into the document (but only if 
     * the result is an Integer)
     * @param offset   The starting offset
     * @param text     The string to insert
     * @param a        The attributes for the inserted text
    public void insertString(int offset, String text, AttributeSet a) 
                throws BadLocationException
       if (checkInsert(offset, text)) super.insertString(offset, text, a);

     * Remove some content from the document (but only if the result is
     * a SimpleTime).
     * @param offset The starting offset
     * @param length The number of characters to remove 
    public void remove(int offset, int length) 
                throws BadLocationException
       if (checkRemove(offset, length)) super.remove(offset, length);

     * Deletes the region of text from offset to offset + length, and
     * replaces it with text.
     * @param offset The starting offset
     * @param length The number of characters to remove 
     * @param text   The string to insert
     * @param a      The attributes for the inserted text
    public void replace(int offset, int length, String text, AttributeSet a)  
                throws BadLocationException
       if (checkReplace(offset, length, text)) 
          super.replace(offset, length, text, a);
        package mvc;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;

 * An entry field that only accepts integers
 * Note: In order to be simple and clear, this implementation
 * does not support numbers with a leading '+' and will not allow
 * the document to contain only a '-'.
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0 
public class IntegerEntryField extends JTextField
     * Create a Document (i.e., model) for this IntegerEntryField
     * @return  An IntegerDocument
    protected Document createDefaultModel()
        return new IntegerDocument();

Creating a Password Entry Field

What would you change and why?


What would you change and why?

Other Software Design Patterns
Decorator - Motivation
Decorator - The Traditional Approach
Decorator - A Generic Application
Decorator - An Example
Decorator - An Example (cont.)
 * The requirements of a Printer
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public interface Printer
     * Print the given String
     * @param text   The String to print
    public abstract void print(String text);    

 * Prints text to the console
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public class ConsolePrinter implements Printer
     * Print the given String
     * @param text   The String to print
    public void print(String text)

 * An abstract decorator of Printer
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public abstract class PrinterDecorator implements Printer
    protected Printer     decorated;
     * Explicit Value Constructor
     * @param decorated    The Printer to decorate
    public PrinterDecorator(Printer decorated)
       this.decorated = decorated;       

     * Print the given String
     * (required by Printer)
     * @param text   The String to print
    public void print(String text)
 * A Printer that always prints in uppercase
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public class UppercasePrinter extends PrinterDecorator
     * Explicit Value Constructor
     * @param decorated    The Printer to decorate
    public UppercasePrinter(Printer decorated)

     * Print the given String
     * (required by Printer)
     * @param text   The String to print
    public void print(String text)

        import java.util.*;

 * A Printer that wraps at word boundaries
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public class WrappingPrinter extends PrinterDecorator
    protected int         width;

     * Explicit Value Constructor
     * @param decorated    The Printer to decorate
     * @param width        The maximum width
    public WrappingPrinter(Printer decorated, int width)
       this.width = width;       

     * Print the given String
     * (required by Printer)
     * @param text   The String to print
    public void print(String text)
       int                    required, used;       
       String                 token;       
       StringTokenizer        st;
       st   = new StringTokenizer(text);
       used = 0;       

       while (st.hasMoreTokens())
          token    = st.nextToken();
          required = token.length();
          if ((required + used + 1) > width)
             used = required + 1;
             if (used != 0) 
                decorated.print(" ");
             used += required;             

 * An application that demonstrates the use of the
 * Decorator Pattern
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public class Driver
     * The entry point
     * @param args   The command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
       Printer           printer;       
       String            text;

       text = "This is the text that we will use " +
              "to demonstrate the capabilities "   +
              "of different Printer objects.";

       printer = new ConsolePrinter();


       printer = new UppercasePrinter(new ConsolePrinter());


       printer = new WrappingPrinter(new ConsolePrinter(), 20);


       printer = new WrappingPrinter(
                     new UppercasePrinter(
                         new ConsolePrinter()), 20);