Computational Geometry
An Introduction (in 3D)
Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University
Computer Science Department
- In General:
- We need to perform a variety of calculations involving
3D shapes
like points, lines, line segments, triangles, polygons, and
- The Focus of This Lecture:
Ray-Sphere Intersection
- Recall:
- The implicit form of the boundary of a sphere is
\(\{ \bs{p} \in \mathbb{R}^{3}:
(\bs{p} - \bs{c}) \cdot (\bs{p} - \bs{c}) - r^2 = 0\}\)
- The parametric form of a ray is
\(\bs{p}(t) = \bs{o} + t \bs{d}\)
- So:
- The values of \(t\) that that yield points on the
sphere satisfy
\((\bs{o} + t \bs{d} - \bs{c}) \cdot
(\bs{o} + t \bs{d} - \bs{c}) - r^2 = 0\)
Ray-Sphere Intersection (cont.)
- Collecting Terms:
- \([(\bs{d} \cdot \bs{d})t^2] +
[2 \bs{d} \cdot (\bs{o} - \bs{c}) t] +
[(\bs{o} - \bs{c}) \cdot (\bs{o} - \bs{c}) - r^2] = 0\)
- An Observation:
- This is a quadratic equation in \(t\)
Ray-Sphere Intersection (cont.)
- Solving:
- \( t = \frac{-\bs{d} \cdot (\bs{o} - \bs{c})
\pm \sqrt{[\bs{d} \cdot (\bs{o} - \bs{c})]^2 -
(\bs{d} \cdot \bs{d})
[(\bs{o} - \bs{c}) \cdot (\bs{o} - \bs{c}) -r^2]}}
{\bs{d} \cdot \bs{d}}\)
- Interpretation:
- If the discriminant (the term under the square root)
is positive there are two intersections, if it is 0 there is
one tangency, and if it is negative there are no intersections
- The Normal:
Ray-Triangle Intersection
- Recall:
- The three (not colinear) vertices of a triangle
\(\bs{r}, \bs{s}, \bs{r} \in \mathbb{R}^3\)
define a plane with barycentric coordinates
\(\bs{p}(\rho, \sigma, \tau) = \rho \bs{r} +
\sigma \bs{s} + \tau \bs{t}\) in which
\(\rho + \sigma + \tau = 1\)
- Using the Paramters:
- The point is in the interior if and only if all three
parameters are in \((0, 1)\)
- The point is on an edge if and only if two
parameters are in \((0, 1)\) and one is 0
- The point is a vertex if and only if one
parameter is in \((0, 1)\) and two are 0
Ray-Triangle Intersection (cont.)
- Simplifying:
- Letting \(\rho = 1 - \sigma - \tau\)
\(\bs{p}(\sigma, \tau) = \bs{r} +
\sigma (\bs{s} - \bs{r}) + \tau (\bs{t} - \bs{r})\)
- Intersection of the Ray and the Plane:
- Substituting the parametric form of the ray,
\(\bs{o} + t \bs{d}\), for \(\bs{p}\) yields:
\(\bs{o} + t \bs{d} = \bs{r} +
\sigma (\bs{s} - \bs{r}) + \tau (\bs{t} - \bs{r})\)
- Using the Paramters:
- The point is in the interior if and only if
\(\sigma > 0\), \(\tau > 0\), and
\((\sigma + \tau) \lt 1\)
Ray-Triangle Intersection (cont.)
- Solving:
- This is three linear equations in three
unknowns (\(\sigma\), \(\tau\), and \(t\))
- The Normal:
- \((\bs{s} - \bs{r}) \times (\bs{t} - \bs{r})\)
Ray-Triangle Intersection (cont.)
- Let:
- \( \bs{M} =
r_1 - s_1 & r_1 - t_1 & d_1 \\
r_2 - s_2 & r_2 - t_2 & d_2 \\
r_3 - s_3 & r_3 - t_3 & d_3 \\
\end{bmatrix} \)
- The Solution:
- \(
\sigma = \frac{\left| \begin{bmatrix}
r_1 - o_1 & r_1 - t_1 & d_1 \\
r_2 - o_2 & r_2 - t_2 & d_2 \\
r_3 - o_3 & r_3 - t_3 & d_3
\end{bmatrix} \right|}{|\bs{M}|}
- \(
\tau = \frac{\left| \begin{bmatrix}
r_1 - s_1 & r_1 - o_1 & d_1 \\
r_2 - s_2 & r_2 - o_2 & d_2 \\
r_3 - s_3 & r_3 - o_3 & d_3
\end{bmatrix} \right|}{|\bs{M}|}
- \(
t = \frac{\left| \begin{bmatrix}
r_1 - s_1 & r_1 - t_1 & r_1 - o_1 \\
r_2 - s_2 & r_2 - t_2 & r_2 - o_2\\
r_3 - s_3 & r_3 - t_3 & r_3 - o_3
\end{bmatrix} \right|}{|\bs{M}|}
- An Observation:
- There are many common subterms that only need to be
calculated once
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