Design of the JMUPhoneNumber Class

1 Introduction

The JMUPhoneNumber class is an encapsulation of a telephone number at James Madison University.

2 Details

The initial design of the JMUPhoneNumber class is summarized in the following UML class diagram.

Other details are provided below.

2.1 Constants

This class must, at a minimum, contain the following public constants:
    public static final int   US_OLD = 0;
    public static final int   US_NEW = 1;
    public static final int   EUROPE = 2;
    public static final int   JMU    = 3;

    public static final int   OFFICE = 568;
    public static final int   DORM   = 612;

2.2 Attributes

This class must, at a minimum, contain the following private attributes:

    areaCode - An int containing the area code.
    exchange - An int containing the three-digit exchange (i.e., 568 for offices or 612 for dormitories).
    extension - An int containing the extension (i.e., the last four digits of the phone number).
    format - An int containing the format to be used by the toString method.

It may contain other attributes as well.

2.3 The Default Constructor

     * Default Constructor.
     * Constructs a JMUPhoneNumber with the areaCode set to 540,
     * the exchange set to 568, the extension set to 6211, and the
     * format set to JMU
    public JMUPhoneNumber()


2.4 The isDorm() Method

     * Checks if this JMUPhoneNumber is in a dorm.
     * @return   true if in a dorm and false otherwise
    public boolean isDorm()


2.5 The isOffice() Method

     * Checks if this JMUPhoneNumber is in an office.
     * @return   true if in an office and false otherwise
    public boolean isOffice()


2.6 The setExchange() Method

     * Sets the exchange associated with this JMUPhoneNumber.
     * Note: If the parameter is not valid this method sets the
     *       exchange to OFFICE
     * @param  exchange   The exchange (either OFFICE or DORM)
    public void setExchange(int exchange)


2.7 The setExtension() Method

     * Sets the extension associated with this JMUPhoneNumber.
     * Note: If the parameter is not valid this method sets the
     *       extension to 6211
     * @param  extension   The extension (between 0000 and 9999)
    public void setExtension(int extension)


2.8 The setFormat() Method

     * Sets the format to be used by the toString method.
     * The valid formats along with examples are:
     *    US_OLD   (540) 568-6211
     *    US_NEW   540-568-6211
     *    EUROPE    540.568.6211
     *    JMU       x8-6211
     * Note: If the parameter is not valid this method sets the
     *       format to JMU
     * @param  format   A valid format
    public void setFormat(int format)


2.9 The toString() Method

     * Returns a formatted String representation of this JMUPhoneNumber
     * (see the discussion of the setFormat method).
    public String toString()


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